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DSC00035 - Copy (2).JPG

  • Owner: pool (View all images and albums)
  • Uploaded: Jul 24 2009 10:40 AM
  • Camera: Sony Ericsson W350i
  • Taken: 2008:12:18 14:10:52
  • Views: 2,784
  • Album: Ouch
DSC00035 - Copy (2).JPG

    Ricky Ellis
    Jul 29 2009 02:08 PM
    Hi does anyone no wer this car has gone i need a front clam desperatley thanks Rick
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    Jul 29 2009 08:18 PM
    OMG, what happened, hope the driver's ok !
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    Hi does anyone no wer this car has gone i need a front clam desperatley thanks Rick

    I assume it went to a breakers...whoever LV send them to. However.....the front clam was mullered as well!
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    OMG, what happened, hope the driver's ok !

    Im fine thanks. Knocked out, headache for days, and lots of sadness!
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    I Need My Fix!
    Aug 12 2009 10:26 PM

    RIP VX

    Glad driver ok. bit of rallly ??
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    This picture is obscene and should be removed.

    It is horrific and should only be viewed by people who are blind

    So so sad
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    Fu*king h*ll thats bad :beat: :beat: :beat: :beat: :beat: :beat: :beat: :beat: :beat: :beat: :excl: :excl: :excl: :ban: :ban: :ban:
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    I feel tearfull just looking at this! Hope you got sorted in the end.
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