You must be pretty happy with that Rossco?
Good day yesterday?
Yeah, very much so, and not bad for a DIY conversion with all used parts on a 62k engine 249.49 bhp, 217 lb/ft.
Very long day yesterday - left Sheffield at 05:20, eventually got to CMS at 09:45 (I f**king hate the A17!!), left at 14:00, made a pick up in Sheffield at 18:30, the got home to Aberdeen at 01:30.. Various limbs now hurt...
Had a bit of a lucky one on the dyno - The foam (what I thought was heat sheilding, its not) on the engine side of the boot had detached itself and ended up touching the unwrapped 4-1 manifold, so there was some flames, but luckily caught in time, so no damage, but an engine bay with a dusting of dry powder.! I guess I'm lucky it didn't catch when on the ~600 miles trip down.. Sobering thought really.
Other than that went well