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Front Splitter New

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#261 Jester666



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Posted 05 June 2015 - 07:52 PM

1) ben

2) cookster

3) The Fat Man

4) Ivor

5) john75

6) Woodsy

7) Dakkon

8) Jester666





#262 VXR 220

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 10:09 AM

I am keen for one of these is robin still making them ? How much r they? Put me on the list too Cheers

#263 Nelly Vx

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 04:41 PM

1) ben 2) cookster 3) The Fat Man 4) Ivor 5) john75 6) Woodsy 7) Dakkon 8) Jester666 9) nelly 10)   JUST 1MORE ?

#264 hairy



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Posted 15 June 2015 - 06:47 PM

I am keen for one of these is robin still making them ? How much r they? Put me on the list too Cheers


doesn't that make 10?

#265 Jester666



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Posted 15 June 2015 - 09:49 PM


I am keen for one of these is robin still making them ? How much r they? Put me on the list too Cheers


doesn't that make 10?



Yeah I kind of figure that too :jump:


Anyone on here know robin? I think it should be payment up front chaps, he's busy with other things but 10 paid up orders might persuade him..........  

#266 jonn75



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Posted 15 June 2015 - 11:00 PM

Couldn't agree more , I'd pay half a deposit via paypal , even if it's half then other half once I've got it

#267 siobe1



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 06:05 PM

Hi Robin,


if your out there, could we twist your arm into making a final batch of splitters, as you can see we have committed people above and you would make fellow vx owners very happy!!! thanks!

#268 jonn75



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 06:08 PM

I can pay the deposit from the 15th of next month when I get paid if everyone chooses a dates to pay

#269 robin


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 06:12 PM


at present the weather is too good so making most of it with work so at present moment in time i won't have time

i will hopefully make one last batch but i dont want to say when or take money as can't guarentee time I'm afraid.

will update when i can do some, sorry but too much on plate at present. 

#270 hairy



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 07:04 PM

Will you sell your moulds Robin?

#271 robin


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Posted 18 June 2015 - 08:39 PM

afraid not two reasons one they are well used and near end of life secondly I'm not interested in selling moulds for someone to make a 

inferior product that fails and i get the finger pointed at me. Sorry but work comes first as said before and weathers dictating this

if it pisses down for a week then i may get some made but as of yet it hasn't so just way it rolls a present I'm afraid.


#272 D-DAWG83


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Posted 19 June 2015 - 06:18 AM

Thats fair enough Robin, appreciate that. If anyone has one, they can send it to my dad, he has been doing glass fibre work for nearly 30years, and is really good at it. He could make a mould from one and sell them if there is demand for 10. Drop me a PM if anyone is interested.

#273 FLD



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 08:35 AM

Thats fair enough Robin, appreciate that. If anyone has one, they can send it to my dad, he has been doing glass fibre work for nearly 30years, and is really good at it. He could make a mould from one and sell them if there is demand for 10. Drop me a PM if anyone is interested.



So you want to rip off robins splitter?

#274 D-DAWG83


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Posted 19 June 2015 - 08:46 AM

All im doing is offering a solution to the problem. I dont want to rip anyone/thing off,that was not my intention. However, there is clear demand for the splitter, and was only stating what could be done. Robin is clearly too busy and does not have the inclination to do anymore, and rather than go about it hiding it, i thought id be open and offer the solution in the public domain.

#275 Goodie



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 09:32 AM

All im doing is offering a solution to the problem. I dont want to rip anyone/thing off,that was not my intention. However, there is clear demand for the splitter, and was only stating what could be done. Robin is clearly too busy and does not have the inclination to do anymore, and rather than go about it hiding it, i thought id be open and offer the solution in the public domain.

you may have a point, but many of us have other commitments, as well as trying to make parts to help out other enthusiasts. Maybe if you want to go down the route of making some splitters and selling them, have a go at making a prototype, developing it and making a master mold. To be fair you can't expect just to make money from someone else's hard work. No offence,

#276 D-DAWG83


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Posted 19 June 2015 - 10:37 AM

No offence taken Goodie. I wasnt trying to make money at all, and it wouldnt have been me making them, or the money anyway, was merely offering an alternative. If people want this splitter, and Robin is not wanting to sell the mould, or the parts, then I thought id offer an alternative. Im way too busy to design and make a pattern, but maybe one day. I have access to all the facilities. I was not intending to offend Robin, or others with my suggestion, so apollogies if it came across like that. Was just trying to help forum members out more than anything else.  

#277 Jester666



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 10:47 AM

This is opening up a bit of a Pandora's box. A number of members have been asking robin for sometime to make his splitters and some including myself have offered up front payment, however robin does not have the time or inclination at present to do anymore. Hairy has asked about buying the moulds but robin has declined and stated his reasoning.

D-DAWG83 is offering a solution but would not be able to sell them as a robin and I think most importantly would not be doing robin out of any business and this solution will keep robins integrity in tact in that he will have supplied neither the splitters or the moulds.


The obvious question is to what sort of quality and accuracy these reproductions could be made.


 Frankly I'm surprised the Chinese haven done it already ;)


#278 FLD



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 11:07 AM

If you want to copy an existing one you would need to check the copyright register.  If it's copywritten you will need to arrange to pay royalties.  If it isn't you can copy it but it would be good manners to offer a royalty. 


Copying an existing one will give an exact replica of the one you copy inc any scratches or chips.  You do need to be careful of shrinkage unless you use a flashy tooling system for the mould.

#279 Jester666



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 11:14 AM

Thought so, the original splitter would have to be made perfect to form a mould and presumably a hand laid mould would only be good for a very limited production number?


FLD you do GRP parts, have you thought of doing an updated deep splitter with canards etc ?

#280 FLD



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Posted 19 June 2015 - 11:53 AM

A hand laid mould would be fine for loads depending on the resin system used.  In regular resin it would do 50(ish), tooling gel would do 100ish and a proper tooling system (gel and backing would do multiple 100's.


I have considered doing a splitter, I was even offered a robin splitter to copy but I didn't fancy that and making a new one from scratch is a fair amount of work.  Maybe next year when I get made redundant :lol:

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