Improving Heater
Posted 05 December 2011 - 12:37 AM

Posted 05 December 2011 - 07:40 AM
I can imagine the post mortem now... he died from carbon monoxide poisoning by doing WHAT?Ive actually just had a brainwave! (doesnt happen very often
Has anyone ever had any experience with those portable camping heaters? The ones that use propane canisters? I can imagine them getting fairly warm if they are designed to warm up a tent. Could be a good temporary solution...

Posted 05 December 2011 - 09:20 AM
I can imagine the post mortem now... he died from carbon monoxide poisoning by doing WHAT?
Ive actually just had a brainwave! (doesnt happen very often)
Has anyone ever had any experience with those portable camping heaters? The ones that use propane canisters? I can imagine them getting fairly warm if they are designed to warm up a tent. Could be a good temporary solution...

Be careful!
Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:41 AM
I can imagine the post mortem now... he died from carbon monoxide poisoning by doing WHAT?
Ive actually just had a brainwave! (doesnt happen very often)
Has anyone ever had any experience with those portable camping heaters? The ones that use propane canisters? I can imagine them getting fairly warm if they are designed to warm up a tent. Could be a good temporary solution...
Be careful!
I didnt even know they would be that dangerous. Bad idea im guessing?

Posted 05 December 2011 - 12:35 PM
There is one on the near side front on the pipe leading to the radiator and one on the near side of the engine with with same bleed screw. It is like bleeding a central heating system, wait until the engine is hot and then open each one until water starts to come out.
Erm yeah... been out for a good drive today and when the car is sitting still it starts to warm upish but when moving theres just cold air coming through, the faster i go the colder it is. Something wrong with the box or have i not put it back together properly when i sealed it?
Did you flush out and clean out the heater box and have you bled the system post sealing?
How do you mean bleed the system? i did this about 2 month ago mate. I cleaned the box out and then sealed it but just connected the pipes back on and topped the water back up at the header tank.
Its weird how its cold when driving but when sitting still it gets warmish. Maybe i've done something to one of the flaps?
You should open the bleed nipples as there will be air in the system.
Where abouts is the bleed nipple and how long do i open it for?
Posted 05 December 2011 - 02:30 PM
Edited by astravxr, 05 December 2011 - 02:30 PM.
Posted 05 December 2011 - 05:31 PM
Edited by astravxr, 05 December 2011 - 05:33 PM.
Posted 05 December 2011 - 07:57 PM
when i turned the knob thing at the top of the box i forced it too much and it clicked and when i looked at the flap when i took it out, it was facing the wrong way so it didnt matter which way i turned it the flap was always going to let cold air though. I've pushed the flap back round so it can block the fan side so it goes straight to the heater matrix. Just going to give it a good seal and try it out tomorrow
I thought i fooked mine the same way, so was on the lookout for new one.
Let me know if this is repairable, so i'll put it on my winter list.
Posted 05 December 2011 - 08:42 PM
when i turned the knob thing at the top of the box i forced it too much and it clicked and when i looked at the flap when i took it out, it was facing the wrong way so it didnt matter which way i turned it the flap was always going to let cold air though. I've pushed the flap back round so it can block the fan side so it goes straight to the heater matrix. Just going to give it a good seal and try it out tomorrow
I thought i fooked mine the same way, so was on the lookout for new one.
Let me know if this is repairable, so i'll put it on my winter list.
By forcing the knob on the top of the box? Pushing too hard it clicked and went all the way round? Thats what i did. Its hard to explain but when the box is off if you look in the hole where the air goes through you'll see the flap, it should flap to the side so the air only goes to the heater matrix and then to the fan or flap to the side where the air goes straight to the fan. Well when i took it off i noticed the flap was further over and moving the knob to the right made the flap go to the centre where hot and cold air would come through (probs why it would be warmish when stood still but cold when moving) and pushing the knob to the left would make the flap go to the left which is cold air only... I just pushed it hard and put it back into the right place, its all sealed up and i'll put back together tomorrow and let you know if its cured... hopefuly
Posted 05 December 2011 - 09:26 PM

Posted 05 December 2011 - 09:33 PM
Edited by astravxr, 05 December 2011 - 09:35 PM.
Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:30 PM
A plier? must of been stuck? I just did it with my fingers.
Yes, was stuck, and did not respond to wd40.
Was a silly boy, and just pushed it to far.
Posted 06 December 2011 - 09:41 AM
Cheers found the nipple. How long to i have it turned for? How will i know when theres no more bubbles?
Just turn it a very small amount until water comes out - do not get burnt and then repeat in the engine bay!!
Posted 06 December 2011 - 10:03 AM
Out of interest, because my direction knob is stuck... I have turned it all the way with pliers. But would the cabin vent be on at all when it should be up at the windscreen?
does anyone know and answer to this- basically the heater and the distribution knob just spin around freely. Where is the distribution flap that dictates if air would go t the cabin or the screen, as i assume mine needs lubing up. and would air normally come through to the cabin when the knob is turned all the way around to the windcreen logo? at the moment it seems 50/50 but i havent ever actually paid any attention to it!
Posted 06 December 2011 - 10:10 AM
Out of interest, because my direction knob is stuck... I have turned it all the way with pliers. But would the cabin vent be on at all when it should be up at the windscreen?
does anyone know and answer to this- basically the heater and the distribution knob just spin around freely. Where is the distribution flap that dictates if air would go t the cabin or the screen, as i assume mine needs lubing up. and would air normally come through to the cabin when the knob is turned all the way around to the windcreen logo? at the moment it seems 50/50 but i havent ever actually paid any attention to it!
Assume the head under dash / feet in the air position. You'll see the plenum part that directs air to both sides. Poke your finger in and check where the flap is. Down means air is forced up to the screen etc etc.
Posted 06 December 2011 - 10:11 AM
Posted 06 December 2011 - 10:13 AM
Out of interest, because my direction knob is stuck... I have turned it all the way with pliers. But would the cabin vent be on at all when it should be up at the windscreen?
does anyone know and answer to this- basically the heater and the distribution knob just spin around freely. Where is the distribution flap that dictates if air would go t the cabin or the screen, as i assume mine needs lubing up. and would air normally come through to the cabin when the knob is turned all the way around to the windcreen logo? at the moment it seems 50/50 but i havent ever actually paid any attention to it!
Assume the head under dash / feet in the air position. You'll see the plenum part that directs air to both sides. Poke your finger in and check where the flap is. Down means air is forced up to the screen etc etc.
excellent, will do! As it is very difficult to actually turn the distribution controller, what should i be spraying with lube (other than myself to assume the aformentioned position!)?
Posted 06 December 2011 - 03:56 PM
Posted 06 December 2011 - 06:35 PM
Posted 06 December 2011 - 06:52 PM
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