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Jules_S Tinkering

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#341 Ormes


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 08:44 AM

Lovely :)

#342 jules_s



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Posted 02 May 2018 - 07:46 PM

Following Snotvomits woes To wrap or not to wrap....tis the question?

#343 Nev


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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:08 PM

Following Snotvomits woes To wrap or not to wrap....tis the question?


Wouldn't you get more fun from spending the money on petrol? Who cares if you have a few dings in the paintwork?  

#344 ChrisS1


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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:22 PM

It's an option but unless you're doing it yourself for a couple of hundred quid I'd put the money towards a paint job 👍

#345 jules_s



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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:35 PM

Following Snotvomits woes To wrap or not to wrap....tis the question?

  Wouldn't you get more fun from spending the money on petrol? Who cares if you have a few dings in the paintwork?

Maybe, but after 120,000 miles and 16 years of ownership I think it's time to make it look a bit better after the suspension refresh etc

#346 jules_s



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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:42 PM

It's an option but unless you're doing it yourself for a couple of hundred quid I'd put the money towards a paint job 👍

Yeah I know. I'm still toying with it but £1.2k for a rear re-spray vs a full colour change pro wrap? You've seen the paint on it... :(

#347 Nev


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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:44 PM


It's an option but unless you're doing it yourself for a couple of hundred quid I'd put the money towards a paint job 👍

Yeah I know. I'm still toying with it but £1.2k for a rear re-spray vs a full colour change pro wrap? You've seen the paint on it... :(



Bring it over to my place, I'll rattle can it for you and only charge you a £5er! :P

#348 jules_s



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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:51 PM

I've tried that rattle can stuff :lol: see earlier ;)

#349 ChrisS1


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Posted 03 May 2018 - 06:11 AM

Have you had a quote for a wrap and for paint?

#350 Nev


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Posted 03 May 2018 - 06:16 AM

I put some DIY wrap on the bottoms of my rear wheel arch flares as a trial preventative measure, as they were being pepper-potted so much. However 4 years on and barely any of the wrap is still there, just due to stone attrition, ie it didn't last long.


Edited by Nev, 03 May 2018 - 06:22 AM.

#351 jules_s



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Posted 05 May 2018 - 08:40 PM

Have you had a quote for a wrap and for paint?

Yep - not taken them up though I had three for the rear clam and cills - £800 to £1200 Full wrap - not settled yet (I want the shuts done too) but I'm guessing around £1100+

#352 fezzasus


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Posted 27 May 2018 - 09:03 AM

I've tried that rattle can stuff :lol: see earlier ;)


You applied the pain very well, however 1k paint doesn't weather well. It's now quite easy to buy 2k paint in an aerosol which should give you the same durability a professional respray would.

#353 jules_s



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Posted 15 June 2018 - 10:09 PM

I'll try to get some photos when I sort out the side damage to my sill in a couple of weeks (which is very similar to your damage, just a lot more of it) but in the mean time hopefully this repair i've done over the weekend will give you some help.

1. Use a sanding disk on a dremel to remove all the fluff, drill small holes at the end of any cracks, use a hacksaw blade or dremel disk to fully cut out the crack.

2. Support the two ends to they don't flex while being fibreglassed together. With the sills (or anything you can't get to the back of) I suggest using filler to bond in some aluminium mesh, here I can get behind it to i'm clamping some wood behind.


3. Fibreglass over the join (front and rear if you have access to the rear)


4. Sand back using 80 grit sand paper (you'll need a power sander - i'm using a £25 Draper one and it's fine)


5. Skim over the surface with filler.


6. Never follow Stuwy around a corner again.

Just the post I'm looking for...

#354 jules_s



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Posted 15 June 2018 - 10:20 PM

Well, the time has come again :)

I think I must have done 2k since 2012 so it's time to start working on it again. first job is the front clam off which started well. No bolts seized at all but I know the top clam mounting brackets
are rusted to fcuk (already got the replacements from Chris@Jonseal)

unfortunately an hour in:- (pasted from PH)

Bloody hell frown

Outside earlier working on the car and I hear a 'thump'

I turn around and there's an old chap having a fit on the road opposite. Ring 999 whilst by him and the lady tells me what to do/what not to do. He seems to calm down with a bit of contact and he's breathing OK so the MO is to leave him be unless anything changes (obviously on the phone constantly)

It's pretty apparent that he's broke his nose badly and and eye socket. Blood everywhere but he's breathing ok and the ambulance inbound. I'm pretty certain at this point he's unconscious. Poor bd frown he comes around a bit but we are told to keep him on his side.

Nothing untoward really until one of the local alcoholics turns up and tries to get him stood up. So I'm on the phone to the ambulance, trying to keep the guy still whilst fending off a drunk who is now getting agitated because I'm telling him to back off.

Anyway. The fallen guy is off in the ambulance and the drunk guy is gone, I'm still shaking!

I genuinely thought we were going to lose the guy at a couple of points :(

Still, rather he's ok than car progress

Next stop repair all the body work, get it wrapped (and annoy JG) then drive it again

#355 jules_s



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Posted 30 December 2020 - 11:41 PM

Blimey - another 16 months on :(


Currently the car is wrapped up in storage - no idea what will happen in 2021

#356 hairy



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Posted 31 December 2020 - 10:41 AM

Hey Jules! not much action here either, only been out 3 times this year and one of those was for the MoT. :(

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