nicollow, on 26 Jun 2016 - 7:24 PM, said:
Please forgive me chap. I am happy to embrace all people who want work towards that aim. There is a bumpy road ahead. I don't even know what point we will get to but the band is getting back together and I've rallies and meetings all this week to see how its going to happen and to answer questions. Tuesday is when Nicola will be making a speech to parliament. There is a rumour of an important poll on Thursday too.Nelly Vx, on 26 Jun 2016 - 3:49 PM, said:
I voted No the first time round, and voted In for the recent Euro vote. Scotland is stronger and safer within a United Kingdom which is why voted No the first time around. We are all fcuked out of Europe though, which is why I will vote Yes when (and thats not an if) Scotland come around to another UK referendum. I know a lot of fellow No voters who will also be voting Yes given the new, radical, change in circumstances. I will then vote In for the Euro referendum that will follow shortly after. No doubt Scott is rubbing his hands with glee over "I told you so", and thats totally fair. Unfortunately I put too much trust into the majority of the UK not being blinkered right wing fascists. Im the son of an immigrant, and the husband of an immigrant. For that to be the main argument for exiting Europe left me fcuking disgusted.Surely if you've voted no once the majority will vote the same again no ?