This all sounds rather ugly. But I hope it's just the fringe of a more general celebration. I don't see a problem with people wanting to celebrate a win for staying in the union. People are as entitled to be proud of being in the union and celebrating as of those that wanted to go independent. I think we should have and show lots of good natured celebrations, rather than everyone getting all bitter and focusing on and giving attention to the nasty bits. You can imagine the partying that would have been going on (along with a few scuffles) if it had been a yes. Anyone in public with a union flag would have to have big brass ones :-)
It's not Yes-voting Nationalists that are rioting and causing trouble and wouldn't be had they achieved the majority. It is the 'Unionist' not even 'No,' or 'Better Together' voters. These morons were attacking people carrying Saltire flags.
It could well escalate with reaction but only from any idiots that happen to also have been Yes voters (or in fact just any idiots that see an opportunity.) These sub-human tw@ts use football & religion as their normal opportunities for violent thuggery.
The only reason someone with a Union Flag would need big brass ones if the vote had gone the other way would have been because of fear from the 'Unionist's' scary counterparts.
Despite the obvious strength of feeling involved pre- & post-vote, from nearly everything I've seen, heard and read, the mood of Yes voters is of dejection and defiant determination that they will continue to campaign for what they believe is best (just as any right-minded, committed opposition would.) A tiny minority have expressed anger or ill-will towards No voters. There's the usual good natured, tongue-in-cheek jibes which are taken & given in the usual spirit of banter. That's the familiar and comfortable situation I experience.
Any perpetuation of the view that all or most Nationalist supporters are blinkered, fanatical nutters is unhelpful.
My fear is that those lower-order primates using the independence debate as their excuse will use the opportunity to react and organise counter strikes.
I wish we had some answers to dealing with these factions. It needs focussed on. Holding them back with riot police and waiting for an almost inevitable backlash feels like treating the symptoms, ignoring the root cause and allowing it to perpetuate and permeate more of the easily led.
The perspectives being taken on the vote result and these events is also likely to be defining in ongoing relations between nations as much as the political fall-out and future. Globally, there has appeared to be more of the balanced, accurate understanding of what's behind the disruption reported than many initial articles from within the UK. At worst, you would hope it would be the opposite.