You as bad as Scot and all the others with 45 stickers45% to be exact
it was 44.7 the cheating bastards scaving a few thousand extra votes

Posted 26 September 2014 - 01:40 PM
You as bad as Scot and all the others with 45 stickers45% to be exact
it was 44.7 the cheating bastards scaving a few thousand extra votes
Posted 26 September 2014 - 09:03 PM
Fortunately, not come across anyone like that...Six weeks before polling day, you decide that this election is the seminal moment of your life. You will mark this historic epiphany by changing your Twitter profile and/or Facebook picture to reflect your...
Edited by Zuber, 26 September 2014 - 09:04 PM.
Posted 22 October 2014 - 01:35 PM
Looks like the SNP are still intent on making us all worse off in pursuit of the dream...
And despite the recent fall in oil price to ~$85 / BoE (equivalent to ~£1.5 billion from the government budget), they are still babbling about setting up an oil fund.. Nutters.
Posted 23 October 2014 - 09:13 AM
Edward I of England comes to Scotland to conquer the Scots. He brings 4,000 men with him. As he nears the battlefield, There suddenly appears a solitary figure on the crest of the hill. A short, ginger-haired guy in a kilt. 'Come up here, ya English bastards, and I'll give ye a hammerin'!' Edward turns to his commander. 'Send 20 men to deal with that little Scottish upstart, he says. The commander sends twenty of his best men over the hill to kill the Scotsman Ten minutes later, at the crest of the hill, the little Scot appears again. 'Ya English diddies!' he yells. 'Come on the rest of ye!! Come on, I'll take ye all on!' Edward is getting somewhat annoyed. He turns to his commander. 'Send 100 men to kill that little ****** !' The commander sends 100 men Over the hill to do the job. Ten minutes later, the little Scot appears at the top of the hill once more, his hair all sticking up, his shirt a wee bit torn. 'Ya English SCUM!' he yells. 'I'm just warming up!! Come and get me, Ya English ****** !!' Edward losses patience. 'Commander, take 400 men and personally wipe that little bastard off the face of the earth!' he yells. The commander gulps, but leads four Hundred men on horseback over the crest of the hill. Ten minutes later, the little Scotsman is back. His clothing is all torn, his face is covered in blood, Snot and Irn-Bru. 'Is that the best ye can do??? You're bloody WUMMIN!!! Come on!! Come and have a go, ya bunch of English ****** !!!' he yells. Edward turns to his second in command. 'Take 1,000 men over that hill and don't come back till you've killed that little red haired bastard!' he commands. The second in command gathers the men and they ride off over the hill to their fate. Ten minutes later, one of the English troops appears back at the top of the hill, covered in blood, his clothes all torn off his back. 'Your Majesty!' he yells. 'It's a trap!!! There's feckin’ two of them!!!'
Posted 23 October 2014 - 05:57 PM
Posted 23 October 2014 - 10:16 PM
He's still got his 'Yes' badge on... Maybe the first times worn that jacket since September
The big man is on Question Time tonight in Liverpool. Could be interesting
Posted 23 October 2014 - 10:39 PM
Nope, he was rubbish. As usual. Caroline Flint....mmmmm
The big man is on Question Time tonight in Liverpool. Could be interesting
Edited by Rudy, 23 October 2014 - 10:39 PM.
Posted 23 October 2014 - 10:47 PM
Posted 23 October 2014 - 10:51 PM
Edited by Rudy, 23 October 2014 - 10:57 PM.
Posted 24 October 2014 - 06:19 AM
Posted 24 October 2014 - 07:00 AM
Posted 24 October 2014 - 07:15 AM
Do you notice how her breasts yearn for my lips?
(I may have got that the wrong way round).
Posted 24 October 2014 - 08:45 AM
Looks like he went down well last night, which was reflected in the audience who were quite warm to his views.
Nicola is also a dug, are these the only two choices?
Maybe you boys are a lot older than me?
Posted 24 October 2014 - 10:42 AM
Probably - that's why I'm so cynical.
Posted 24 October 2014 - 10:59 AM
This made me laugh, but I understood hardly any of it.
Posted 30 October 2014 - 04:16 PM
Posted 30 October 2014 - 04:21 PM
Posted 30 October 2014 - 04:32 PM
Its like the same slightly oxymoronic concept of UKIP having the most MEP's in the European parliment.. They don't want to be there!
I think only a month odd after the vote has some people still believing the the SNP, but hopefull this will fall back over the coming months.. All depends if a decent Scottish Labour leader is put in place.. Which is currently looking unlikely given the candidates put forward.
It will also depend how much of the "vow" is put in place in time for the GE..
Posted 30 October 2014 - 05:16 PM
Matt you'll be right, I'd be pretty sure the SNP wouldn't stand in the way of that in the slightest.
Dunno Ross, I take your points but SNP and the Scottish Independance Alliance are looking pretty organised.
I have an SNP (yes i joined) thing at the Adam Smith in Kirkcaldy this Sunday and Sir Stuart of Hosie is doing a speech plus lots of info sources.
The SIA which is sort of what Yes Scotland is becoming are running conference at St.Bryces, Kirkcaldy next week too with Common Weel speakers and Women for Independence etc. It's still rumbling on and I would say it's more than rumbling given the poll today.
That's a lot higher than even I expected.
The aim locally is to unseat Gordon Brigabroon and the SIA branch has been organised as "Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath" for that very purpose.
Anyways, its nice to speak to you again and I thought I'd drag you away from Scuffers trolling for five mins
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