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Scotland Independence

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#2121 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 04:56 PM

Well as scotland had a say in our referendum, I think we should have our say on theirs, whether we want them, no body wants them, the eu does nt want them, their another greece to the eu, Strugon constantly drops herself in the sh*t with her big mouth, she ought to be up for treason for all the crap she talks

Your referendum? Interesting viewpoint. The rest of your point is riddled with right wing tabloid inaccuracies. I wonder if you voted leave? ;)

#2122 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 04:58 PM

Surely if you've voted no once the majority will vote the same again no ?

A promise of thr bo vote was eu membership. Independence now polling at 59% Many prominent no voters are bow swinging to yes. Tick tock

#2123 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 05:24 PM

https://stephenorour...otlands-future/ And many like him.

#2124 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 05:25 PM

Chuffing nora at my typos. Apologies.

#2125 Nelly Vx

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Posted 26 June 2016 - 05:39 PM

I'm no expert on the subject but are the Scottish oil / gas concerns under uk controll ?

#2126 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 05:40 PM

No. In Scottish waters. There is a discrepancy about the maritime border being moved in the late 90s but it is contrary to UN rules.

#2127 JG



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Posted 26 June 2016 - 05:50 PM

article 50 would need to be completed (or at least the terms understood) before a new Scottish referendum. Until then its too unclear what Brexit even looks like if it happens at all (well it probably will in name if nothing else)

#2128 Zoobeef


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 06:20 PM


#2129 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 06:33 PM

Just watch the football kid. You'll be alright.

#2130 PaulCP


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 06:48 PM

Sat here on Skye listening to Sturgen this morning whilst it is pissing down and it suddenly struck me. Any further referendum to the Scottish people will surely not include the word "independence" but would ask "do you wish to be ruled and influenced by Brussels or London?" Definition of independent = "not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction;autonomous; free:" Many SNP supporters believe that they can rise up and be an independent nation and take back control from London and Westminster The reality may not yet have dawned, that what will happen is that they will just be changing their reporting lines from Westminster to Brussels. Indeed, you could practically argue that Westminster has delivered the framework that has given Scotland the highest levels of control and power that any devolved government has in the world. The irony is, that at a time when Scotland is getting this additional power, their leaders are seeking to jump out of this supportive framework and into a new one, with Brussels, that is hell bent on reducing regional control, and tightening control across legal and fiscal policy areas, and many other things that would actually be devolved to Scotland if it stayed in the UK. Also, in order to accede, let us not forget that ALL 27 remaining EU members need to vote in Scotlands favour. We already know the Spanish, Belgian and Italians are not happy, as they have their own issues that could be stirred up with an easy Scottish ascent into the EU. At the last Indyref Alex Salmond was able to duck the whole EU accession issue as he, in my opinion, lied when he stated that he had full and open discussions and had an outline agreement - he didn't and we all could see that after the referendum. This time, the people will want to see proof. Additionally, would any new EU members be required to adopt the Euro as part of the deal? I would have thought that this is a loophole that the EU will want to plug so that any new members become 100% part of the Union.

#2131 nicollow



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Posted 26 June 2016 - 07:24 PM

Surely if you've voted no once the majority will vote the same again no ?


I voted No the first time round, and voted In for the recent Euro vote. Scotland is stronger and safer within a United Kingdom which is why voted No the first time around. We are all fcuked out of Europe though, which is why I will vote Yes when (and thats not an if) Scotland come around to another UK referendum. I know a lot of fellow No voters who will also be voting Yes given the new, radical, change in circumstances. I will then vote In for the Euro referendum that will follow shortly after. No doubt Scott is rubbing his hands with glee over "I told you so", and thats totally fair. Unfortunately I put too much trust into the majority of the UK not being blinkered right wing fascists. Im the son of an immigrant, and the husband of an immigrant. For that to be the main argument for exiting Europe left me fcuking disgusted.

#2132 Zoobeef


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 07:43 PM

Just watch the football kid. You'll be alright.

Football, like the yes campaign, is full of nasty hooligans that seem to be void of any decency and democracy.


Both leave a bitter aftertaste when forced down your throat every way you turn.

#2133 jonnyboy


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 07:51 PM

I would think that Scotland would be far better served being attached to the EU than an independent UK. 

#2134 stu8v


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 07:59 PM

Why would the EU want another country that can't support itself.... Just saying like!

#2135 Zoobeef


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 08:01 PM

Greece mk 2 without the nice weather

#2136 stu8v


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 08:04 PM


#2137 pete-r


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 08:45 PM

Sturgeon is like a broken record. She didn't get the result she wanted last time and the Scottish people spoke, so she will ask the question again and again until she gets the result she wants. I guarantee if Scotland has another vote and leaves they will never be asked again, and she will finally be happy as queen of Scotland! I would like to hear her policies on education, finance, defence, nhs, employment or anything really which doesn't end up in another rant on independence. One trick pony. Also if there's a second vote I think the whole nation should decide not just Scotland as it affects us all.

Edited by pete-r, 26 June 2016 - 08:47 PM.

#2138 the outsider

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Posted 26 June 2016 - 09:35 PM

Well as scotland had a say in our referendum, I think we should have our say on theirs, whether we want them, no body wants them, the eu does nt want them, their another greece to the eu, Strugon constantly drops herself in the sh*t with her big mouth, she ought to be up for treason for all the crap she talks

Your referendum? Interesting viewpoint. The rest of your point is riddled with right wing tabloid inaccuracies. I wonder if you voted leave? ;)
dont forget the racist comment because if you voted out, apparently your racist,

#2139 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 09:58 PM

I would like to hear her policies on education, finance, defence, nhs, employment or anything really which doesn't end up in another rant on independence. One trick pony. Also if there's a second vote I think the whole nation should decide not just Scotland as it affects us all.

Then pay more attention. We just had a scottish election with actual manifestos and we ran an independence campaign and a general election canpaign We covered all these things. You are just not looking or rather looking for cheap shots bourne of bitter ignorance. The Scottish Government as said by many commentators at the moment is the only function government on this island. If you dont like that how about pointing your aggression towards the people who have failed you and all of us and not towards us who have our heads screwed on correctly and are trying to salvage a future out of the sh*t scattered all over the floor. Grow up and that goes for all the other anti-scottish shite posted in here. This bitterness has taken over people. Now its directed at us.

Edited by LY_Scott, 26 June 2016 - 09:59 PM.

#2140 LY_Scott


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 10:01 PM

Well as scotland had a say in our referendum, I think we should have our say on theirs, whether we want them, no body wants them, the eu does nt want them, their another greece to the eu, Strugon constantly drops herself in the sh*t with her big mouth, she ought to be up for treason for all the crap she talks

Your referendum? Interesting viewpoint. The rest of your point is riddled with right wing tabloid inaccuracies. I wonder if you voted leave? ;)
dont forget the racist comment because if you voted out, apparently your racist,
Who said that? Lots of people have been saying that. Id love to know how its relevant to this discussion here.

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