Scotland Independence
Posted 14 March 2014 - 11:51 AM
Posted 14 March 2014 - 11:56 AM
Why ? You hungry.Tory party conference in Edinburgh today across the road from here (Scottish Widows) at the EICC. Riot vans, sturdy set up barriers, millions of police, tv crews, liason teams. I'm going to buy eggs...
Posted 14 March 2014 - 11:57 AM
No no I'm going to protest about the Tory cunts
Posted 14 March 2014 - 11:57 AM
Why ? You hungry.Tory party conference in Edinburgh today across the road from here (Scottish Widows) at the EICC. Riot vans, sturdy set up barriers, millions of police, tv crews, liason teams. I'm going to buy eggs...

Posted 14 March 2014 - 02:21 PM
No no I'm going to protest about the Tory cu
I really don't understand the big aggression towards the tories. The current mob are closer to labour than they are to the maggie conservatives of old.
If Labour had got in then we'd still be seeing cuts and reductions all across the board.
I really can't tell the difference between any of the parties any more.
Edited by LazyDonkey, 14 March 2014 - 02:24 PM.
Posted 14 March 2014 - 02:37 PM
Yep. That's democracy for you. Vote any way you want, the gravy train will carry on doing what it was doing...
Posted 14 March 2014 - 03:01 PM
We could let Labour back in to blow all the money we don't have again like a teenager with a no limit credit cardI really don't understand the big aggression towards the tories. The current mob are closer to labour than they are to the maggie conservatives of old. If Labour had got in then we'd still be seeing cuts and reductions all across the board. I really can't tell the difference between any of the parties any more.No no I'm going to protest about the Tory cu

Posted 14 March 2014 - 03:12 PM
No no I'm going to protest about the Tory cu
I really don't understand the big aggression towards the tories. The current mob are closer to labour than they are to the maggie conservatives of old.
If Labour had got in then we'd still be seeing cuts and reductions all across the board.
I really can't tell the difference between any of the parties any more.
Me neither, especially for my generation... Seems like it's an ingrained notion in some people, perhaps partly from parents or from sections of society who felt they did suffer during conservative governments in the 80's (whether it was justified or not)..
I come from what would be described as a working - middle upbringing (if you want to try classify it), and I associate more with Tory policies than I do Labour / socialist, but maybe thats just a sign of the times..
Posted 15 March 2014 - 10:25 AM
Posted 15 March 2014 - 11:32 AM
With the threat of Haggis or a 'Steak and BJ' from his chef I can see why he had a dilema on his hands. In wider news the sun has appeared over Englandshire and the economic u-turn has begun. Get them BBQs ready boys and girls, as summer will be gone by March 24thIn other news...Cameron was here yesterday it turns out. I didn't even notice. He turned up with 3 range rovers including one with his own chef inside. Happy days.
Posted 15 March 2014 - 12:14 PM
Erm... I've got a really expensive VX habit. Any chance I could borrow £15k over an indefinite period, with 0% APR? Kthnx...earning twice the average Scottish salary.

Posted 15 March 2014 - 12:51 PM
Posted 15 March 2014 - 01:05 PM
It was more why you have (it comes across as) a hearty dislike of Tories, and my point was (not directed at you specifically) that there's a few people I know who have a dislike / hatred to DC and the Tories for no obvious reason than their Scottish and it's as if they feel they need to (as apparently we all do, even though we definitely don't)..Not me Ross. My dad's an engineer and a traditional Tory voter. I had a pretty similar background to Ruth Davidson. She hung around with my sister at school and we all went to the same sports club in Lundin Links. My dad trained her at squash and I played tennis. I can recall beating her team in the youth quiz when I was about 13 and seeing her at the debating society at school. One of us grew up to be me and the other became leader of the Scottish Tories. I work as a professional in the tech industry contracting for a London based company in the financial services sector earning twice the average Scottish salary. I'm your a typical Tory voter but I believe fully and deeply in independence and self determination for Scotland. Who gets in in 2016? It'll be a different political landscape. I do worry that people get too caught up on the SNP and especially Salmond. In other news...Cameron was here yesterday it turns out. I didn't even notice. He turned up with 3 range rovers including one with his own chef inside. Happy days.
Posted 18 March 2014 - 08:20 PM
I liked a news report I heard on it. They spoke to a couple of people from both sides of the camp. The 'No' voters were explaining issues that may arise if Scotland were to go independent, financial, logistical, political.
The 'Yes' voters all said exactly the same thing, almost word for word "It would just be nice for the Scottish to be seen as, you know, proper Scottish again".
I understand it could of course have been biased, but it was amusing nonetheless.
Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:01 AM
There does seem to be a lot of
Bart Kill, Bart Kill
Kill Bart, Kill Bart
going on
Posted 19 March 2014 - 02:33 PM
Posted 19 March 2014 - 04:44 PM
Posted 20 March 2014 - 11:07 AM
The Tories are the only reason Britain hasn't gone down the shitter many a year ago. The cycle seems to be, Labor p*ss it up the wall, then the Tories pick up the pieces put it back together and so on.
Although some of you're post went a bit bizarre, I agree with this bit to an extent, in that there needs to be a balance between fundamental capitalist / free-market policies and socialist policies. One of my concerns in the event of independace, would be a significant shift to the left for the Scottish politial system (a combo of Labour, SNP and Scottish Greens), without the counterbalance of a Scottish Tory party (capaitalism is a dirty work to many, even though a good portion of our lives rely on it). This may seem ideal for some people, but I think it will significantly denegrate the political system in Scotland..
Also, saw this link which gives a decent break down of respective devolved powers as they curently are:
Posted 25 March 2014 - 05:52 PM
Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:13 PM
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