Reality check, Scotland if it goes Independent will be run by a bunch of self interested politicians and the public will have to deal with the same old crap in Scotland that the rest of do.
That's always been one of my points.... It doesn't matter if we are independent or not, the country will still be run by a bunch of shite politicians who promise the world and deliver nothing. The only thing that will have happened is that we will have spent a sh*t load of money to get to that stage. We are not going to claim back the costs of going independent in my lifetime that's for sure.
It all sounds great in theory, but politicians are untrustworthy no matter where they come from.
Disallutionment (spelling) with the government is nothing specific to Scotland though. It just happens that we have a nationalist party up here that has seized its moment and pushed for all out independance, which the vast majority of Scots aren't really bothered about, they just want a bit more representation. The YESNP campaign has worked this well to convince many that its the only way forward (hence their own doom-mongering on the status quo - there is no chance of the status quo prevailing now I feel, yes or no). We already are the most democratically accountable part of the UK, with much of the power to change things on a daily basis. Of course we cede some power to gain some benefits of aligning with other parts of the UK, which is a fair trade.
Everyone knows the vote for independance would plummet so as to make it an almost forgone conclusion should a credible Devo-max proposition be set out (the Nationalists would have no real case), and I partly blame some in the UK government for being slow in recognising this, which is a signifcant political mistake, and underestimation of feelings of disenchantement, which people in other parts of the UK feel just as strongly..
Either way, it should serve as a good kick up the arse for the UK government...