The biggest financial issue for the UK government is tax avoidance, not the poor. We can start with a better tax system. Yes many many people in food banks are now the employed. But its their fault right? All chancers? Nothing to do with zero hour contracts and massive part time employment to bring down unemployment numbers let's not forget those forced to work for nothing. Great policies.
I'm pretty sure tax avoidance is not the biggest financial issue for the UK. Its a good political football though I suppose, and another reason to put down the UK as a bunch of tax avoiders, especially those located in SE England eh.. Ironically the current UK government has at least attempted to close off some routes to this more than any recent governments.
TBH honest if I could pay less tax I would... Not because I don;t have a social conscious, or believe we shouldn't try to redistribute wealth, but I'd rather spend it on me, my family and friends (or whatever charity I chose).
Again you are confusing problems (either mistakenly or deliberately) which affect every developed country in the world with the accusation that the UK is the sole perpetrator. Countries with large financial sectors tend to have more complex tax rules. Guess what Scotland has...?
Food banks. I'm sure many who use them are unemployed, which is regretible.. So food banks, zero hours contracts and part-time employment is the governments fault? Not sure if you've been asleep since 2008, but pretty much the entire global economy fell sharply in output terms. Might have something to do with it.. In other news, UK is now the fastest growing economy in the EU..
So, what would Scotland do to eliminate food banks? There's many European countries suffering from the same thing, they'd love to know too..