Ehhh... The bit that it says "BBC Democracy Live" - thought the BBC was just a unionist news service, don't you have an impartial one?
I can't watch it as I'm at work.
Please, enlighten me, as I obviously missed it. So lets try make this an intelligent conversation without the usual nat soundbites, slogans and wishfull thinking:
Zero hour contracts - Worse than no contract / unemployment? Maybe people should just stay on benefits until they get a full-time job?
Benefit cuts - Which country hasn't reduced or frozen social budgets? How would an iScotland tackle a huge financial deficient, spend more? Or borrow more because it couldn't print it's one curreny as part of a currency union?
High prices - Yep, the government has increased prices for lots of stuff, like, errr... can we just call it inflation instead?
Unemployment - Ah the Tory / Wesminster generated global recession, from which an iScotland would be impervous (what with its dependancy on oil, even though the oil price, and therefore tax take crashed from $150 to $40, or the financial sector whci could have in theory swalled Scotland whole about twice over..)
Childcare costs - not sure on that one.. I suppose the SNP have come up with a nifty plan on that one, given that it looks like a pre-school child done their maths for them..
Of course don't let a good emotive poster get in the way of the facts...
Apart from all this, the important part I want to know before considering voting yes, is what an iScotland would do in these scenarios?