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Scotland Independence

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#1041 LY_Scott


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 11:48 AM

Pensions have been assured. Covered lots of times The 200million figure isn't one the SNP came up with. It was the lower of figures quoted by the LSE professor quoted by the NO side. The pound will stay.

#1042 LY_Scott


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 11:50 AM

http://m.bbc.co.uk/n...litics-27309215 Just one covering. Covered a few times to varying extents

#1043 LY_Scott


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 12:09 PM

Never understood the anti salmond stuff. Meanwhile they enjoy free prescriptions, sending their kids to uni for free, care for their old dears, frozen council tax and even crossing the bridges for free with less traffic, nevermind right to roam etc... But that salmond he's a right bastard eh? Do you realise what your alternatives are? On economics who would you trust btw? An actual economist or the chief towel folder at Selfridge's?

#1044 Rosssco


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 12:41 PM

The pound will stay.


Still confident huh..? ;) Rest assured, if it does, so will Trident, control over Scotland's economic future..


I think many see Salmond as the political opportunist (much like the SNP) that he is, and people have an inate lack of trust for those that will basically promise anything to get their vote. They may have taken the gamble at Scottish elections, but less are convinced when presented with fundamentally the same thing, but at a much higher level.


Aye, you can point to gesture politics like free prescriptions (WTF do I need free prescriptions??), toll roads (what, all 2 of them) and frozen council tax (we don't like 'tax' up here), which just goes to prove most people really couldn't care about the political ideaology of most of the YESNP, just how much cash is in their pockets, and how well public services are working..


And if someone comes along and says you can have all this stuff, just vote for this brighter, cleaner future, its no surprise there are lots of people enamoured with the idea.


The alternative to Salmond, right now they are a sharing of powers between a Scottish parliament (to deal with regional and domestic issues, but avoidance of parochialism), and a UK parliament with powers (but not all the power, to allow focus on local matters and tailoring to regional differences) over international stuff and areas where there are fundamental advantages of a larger country are evident, such as defence, energy, international development, economic security etc..

#1045 LY_Scott


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 12:48 PM

You seem to have left out tuition fees Ross. Can you see any good reason why the pound would not be the currency? Given the debt liability being tied to the BofE argument? Also Balance of payments and trade deficit to the UK/Sterling with Scotland removed. We've been over this to be fair.

Edited by LY_Scott, 18 August 2014 - 12:48 PM.

#1046 Rosssco


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 12:59 PM

I agree with the tuitions fee's, worked for me. Perfect example of the power of devolution. Although I was a bit pi$$ed I fell into one of the 3 years that had to pay the 'Graduate endowment' before it was scrapped...


As you say, we've been through this re: currency..

#1047 LY_Scott


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 01:19 PM

Yep. I was lucky enough to get grants for mine. I can't imagine leaving school and only being able to go to uni/college if your parents had saved thousands for it.

#1048 Rosssco


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 01:32 PM

I wouldn't have been able to go, full stop. And I wouldn't have been where I am now (nothing glamourous, but decent opportunities). So I am grateful we continued to do that up here, and was able to get a student loan to allow me to drink for ~4 years..

#1049 KurtVerbose


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 08:30 PM

Never understood the anti salmond stuff.


Me neither. He certainly knows his sh*t.


Posted Image

#1050 Rosssco


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Posted 18 August 2014 - 09:44 PM

That's a Tunnocks Tea Cake!

#1051 KurtVerbose


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 08:05 AM

I know.


I hear they're quite delicious, but I've not tried one yet.

#1052 Mangham54



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:33 AM

I know.


I hear they're quite delicious, but I've not tried one yet.


I can't say I agree... I can't get on with either the teacakes :sick: or the caramel wafers :sick:


Both are just soggy and gooey 

#1053 Claws


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:44 AM

Try a Carmel Log, Chris. Delightful.

#1054 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:46 AM

Caramel logs are awesome. Big Teacake fan though. Need to be kept cool. Ones in cafe's tend to have been sat out and are warm and chocolate soft. It should be cool and crack off. Tend to eat the chocolate off first then devour the rest.

#1055 slindborg


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:52 AM

I have always wondered who buys the 5Million a week or whatever it is under the wrapper? :lol:


I do love a wafer though and recently found dark chocolate ones ohhhhh porn!

#1056 KurtVerbose


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 12:02 PM

I must admit I had excellent food when visiting Scotland. The reputation is undeserved.

#1057 turbobob


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 12:02 PM

Feck me, this thread is 53 pages long. I ain't reading back through it. 


53 pages, has it been agreed 'yes' or 'no' yet?

#1058 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 12:04 PM

Feck me, this thread is 53 pages long. I ain't reading back through it. 


53 pages, has it been agreed 'yes' or 'no' yet?


1 month to go, then this thread can be consigned to history..


Ps.- Snowballs are good too. Especially when someone is trying to carefully eat one, and you smack it into their face.. Messy.

#1059 slindborg


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 12:13 PM


Feck me, this thread is 53 pages long. I ain't reading back through it. 


53 pages, has it been agreed 'yes' or 'no' yet?


1 month to go, then this thread can be consigned to history..


Ps.- Snowballs are good too. Especially when someone is trying to carefully eat one, and you smack it into their face.. Messy.



the drink, the sexual act or the sweet treat? :lol:

#1060 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 12:16 PM



Feck me, this thread is 53 pages long. I ain't reading back through it. 


53 pages, has it been agreed 'yes' or 'no' yet?


1 month to go, then this thread can be consigned to history..


Ps.- Snowballs are good too. Especially when someone is trying to carefully eat one, and you smack it into their face.. Messy.



the drink, the sexual act or the sweet treat? :lol:



I left it open to interpretation... Your mind will choose for you.

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