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Scotland Independence

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#1061 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 12:19 PM

I think it already has :lol:

#1062 slindborg


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 12:21 PM

all 3 :D

#1063 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 02:34 PM

A better list if SNP achievements

I’m voting no because I really hate that Alex Salmond and the SNP, what have they ever done for us anyway? Here’s a few “wee things”… Re-introduced free higher education by scrapping fees and the £2,300 graduate endowment. Increased funding for college bursaries to support more than 42,000 students. 358 new schools have been built or refurbished, meaning that over 130,000 pupils have been taken out of dilapidated and substandard school buildings. They’ve put 1,105 more police on Scotland’s streets, helping drive recorded crime down to its lowest level for 37 years. Used £46 million seized from criminals to invest in community projects for 600,000 Scottish kids. Provided more free nursery education, benefitting 100,000 pre-school Scots. Reformed the laws on sexual offences to make it easier to prosecute people for serious sexual attacks. Increased funding for Victim Support Scotland and our victim notification scheme is helping people affected by crime. Provided parents with more information on dangerous paedophiles to protect children in local communities. A record 39 new renewable projects since coming to power and pioneering climate change legislation. Scotland is on track to produce nearly a third of our electricity this year from clean green renewable sources. And aiming for 80 per cent by 2020. A £10 million Saltire prize for marine energy innovation has made Scotland a focal point for research and deployment of marine renewable technology. Reduced the carbon footprint of the rail network by delivering 218 miles of new electrified track across the country. Recycling is at its highest level ever under the SNP Government. There will be NO new nuclear power stations in Scotland with the SNP. They helped 250,000 people expand their learning with Individual Learning Accounts to pay for training courses. Frozen council tax for the past 5 years, saving the average family more than £300. 24,000 affordable houses since coming into office – that’s an average of 117 new houses every week – creating jobs in the construction sector. Protected spending in the NHS with an extra £1.2 billion over the last four years to safeguard frontline services. Spent £840 million to build the new South Glasgow Hospital. Abolished prescription charges, saving people with long-term illnesses an average of more than £180 and scrapped charges at all NHS-run hospital car parks. Criminals are being locked up for longer with prison sentences at their longest for a decade. Violent crime is down by just under a third, and offences involving a firearm by almost half. Tackling Scotland’s drug problem through the national drugs commission, and 20 per cent more funding to help people recover from addiction. Slashed or abolished business rates for around 80,000 small shops and local employers, protecting jobs in tough times and matched the English business rates poundage, giving Scottish business a £200 million competitive advantage. Committed to providing at least 25,000 modern apprenticeships this year Found an extra £2.3 billion for jobs and public services by cutting back on waste and bureaucracy in Government, breaking the target of 1.5% efficiency savings. Helped ensure that four out of five contracts for work in the public sector go to small businesses and our Scottish Investment Fund helps some of the best grassroots business projects get up and running. More GP practices are open in the evenings and at weekends. Helped to ensure infection in Scottish hospitals is now at an all time low through independent inspections, tripling the funding, hiring 1,000 more cleaners, introducing a new staff uniform and dress code and a zero tolerance approach to non-compliance with hand hygience policies. Made sure our older generation is properly cared for by increasing payments for free personal and nursing care for the first time since it was introduced. Plus more! What a bunch of absolute b******s eh!

#1064 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 03:00 PM

Thanks for that Scott. That's a useful list on some of the stuff (although most if is just stuff a government should be doing), and goes to prove how much the current devolved Scottish Government has the power to do and change in our lives, and why I support a regional, accountable government that can tailor specific aspects to local demands, without the costs, risks to jobs and financial and economic stability associated in breaking up the close relationship we have with other countries very very similar to this one, along with the potential damage to our trade, promotion of a tribalist 'them and us' feeling, and receeding from the world where we currently can have real influence..


So devolution is the way forward!


Ps.- On energy however, there's virtually no chance they'll meet the 80% by 2020 generation target. And the lack of new nuclear is quite short-sighted, playing more to anti-nuclear vote than any rational (and more importantly, independant) energy policy, especially as we already have such technology and associated skills in Scotland.

#1065 slindborg


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 03:44 PM

Build nuclear for export since Ingerland hasnt got enough and wont build new ones because of NIMBYs

#1066 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 03:56 PM

TBH, its doubtful Scotland would build new nucelar anyway - its too expensive! Nuclear is really only for large economies that can afford to fund the many billions and long timescales required. An independant Scotland would be out of that game. Apart from the significant proporation of decommissioning costs we'd have to swallow when we 'get' the two power stations here.. Of course the Nats will argue (like they always do) that the UK should be liable for most of these costs, when clearly they will be getting two UK funded power stations!


While I'm here, reviewing Scott's list, the common theme seem to be running - spending and tax cuts. That spending and tax cuts just happens to be based on the background of being in the UK, and without trying to sound too much like a stuck record), the fiscal stabilty and relative freedom that has afforded the Scottish Government in applying its policies. 


Money out stuff:


Re-introduced free higher education by scrapping fees and the £2,300 graduate endowment.

Increased funding for college bursaries to support more than 42,000 students.

358 new schools have been built or refurbished, meaning that over 130,000 pupils have been taken out of dilapidated and substandard school buildings.

They’ve put 1,105 more police on Scotland’s streets, helping drive recorded crime down to its lowest level for 37 years.

Used £46 million seized from criminals to invest in community projects for 600,000 Scottish kids.

Provided more free nursery education, benefitting 100,000 pre-school Scots.

Increased funding for Victim Support Scotland and our victim notification scheme is helping people affected by crime.

A £10 million Saltire prize for marine energy innovation has made Scotland a focal point for research and deployment of marine renewable technology.

They helped 250,000 people expand their learning with Individual Learning Accounts to pay for training courses.

Frozen council tax for the past 5 years, saving the average family more than £300.

Protected spending in the NHS with an extra £1.2 billion over the last four years to safeguard frontline services.

Spent £840 million to build the new South Glasgow Hospital.

Abolished prescription charges, saving people with long-term illnesses an average of more than £180 and scrapped charges at all NHS-run hospital car parks.

Criminals are being locked up for longer with prison sentences at their longest for a decade.

Tackling Scotland’s drug problem through the national drugs commission, and 20 per cent more funding to help people recover from addiction.

Slashed or abolished business rates for around 80,000 small shops and local employers, protecting jobs in tough times and matched the English business rates poundage, giving Scottish business a £200 million competitive advantage.

Committed to providing at least 25,000 modern apprenticeships this year

More GP practices are open in the evenings and at weekends.

Helped to ensure infection in Scottish hospitals is now at an all time low through independent inspections, tripling the funding, hiring 1,000 more cleaners, introducing a new staff uniform and dress code and a zero tolerance approach to non-compliance with hand hygience policies.

Made sure our older generation is properly cared for by increasing payments for free personal and nursing care for the first time since it was introduced.

#1067 techieboy


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:12 PM

Always easy to spend on a credit card. Especially if it's mummy or daddy's.

#1068 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:14 PM

George Galloway tonight in Kirkcaldy at 7. Won't leave here til 6 but should be there in time. Could be interesting.

#1069 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:19 PM

George Galloway tonight in Kirkcaldy at 7. Won't leave here til 6 but should be there in time. Could be interesting.


I'd quite like to see that. Doubt I'll make it in time :P

#1070 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:21 PM

You in Aberdeen still at the mo Ross? He's in Dundee next Tuesday Marryat hall 7pm

#1071 myles



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:24 PM

Highland Toffee was the single reason not to offer free dental treatment for all Scott.

#1072 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:25 PM

You in Aberdeen still at the mo Ross? He's in Dundee next Tuesday Marryat hall 7pm


Yeah. Cheers, I'll investigate that.. I'm not a big fan of his TBH, but he does make some valid points and observations.

#1073 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:25 PM

I suggest Tablet was and irnbru more than highland toffee.

#1074 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:26 PM

Marryat hall is part of the Caird hall btw if you were wondering... I was :S Worth going along to see what's said. Part of our history and all that if anything.

#1075 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:32 PM

Having become (perhaps rather sadly) interested in politics over the last few years, I would probably find it quite interesting. Or if you like ex-Big Brother contestants.

#1076 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 06:16 PM

In the meeting now. First speaker....is a boy who was in my class at school....now a labour councilor. Didn't see that coming. Last time I seen him he was drunk in caesars.... I await big George coming up.

#1077 Rosssco


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 08:01 PM

First speaker....is a boy who was in my class at school....now a labour councilor. Didn't see that coming. Last time I seen him he was drunk in caesars....

And you wonder why I have my doubts about Scottish politics.. :lol:

#1078 myles



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 08:13 PM

First speaker....is a boy who was in my class at school....now a labour councilor. Didn't see that coming. Last time I seen him he was drunk in caesars....

And you wonder why I have my doubts about Scottish politics.. :lol:
Amateur night!

#1079 LY_Scott


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 08:28 PM

He was actually pretty good. The labour guys were all good. George just told us his life story then talked about how labour changed all that...council houses, schools, NHS. Massive elephant in the room George...Scotland votes labour already.... Started on about world wars and battle of Britain... We got a history of labour pretty much then nuclear weapons etc. There's been a much more rational debate in here. As for Kenny... My school also gave Ruth Davidson in my sisters year leader of the Scottish Tories for those that don't know and also Henry McLeish many years before and he was our second first minister.

#1080 Mangham54



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 09:30 PM

Galloway oh God.... Please take him back and keep him.

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