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Scotland Independence

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#1261 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 10:51 AM

http://www.electoral...ence-referendum These are the declared backers of each side who will go over the spending limits. www.britishtogether.co.uk will give you a laugh Britannica are worth a look up, it's one of their members who kicked the woman in the stomach in Glasgow this week and was arrested. He's also in the SDL...

#1262 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 10:54 AM

I'm not spending hundreds of thousand in support of any cause. I'm just a voter.

#1263 TheRealVXed



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Posted 04 September 2014 - 10:56 AM

At the end of that day, there will be plusses and minuses to both sides.. All I'm saying is enjoy your new NHS if you do go independent.... :lol:

#1264 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:00 AM

NHS is already devolved. It has been separate in Scotland since its creation. Scotland is allocated around 10% share of whatever is spent by the uk government. You should maybe look at the view on the direction of NHS in England by the labour party and the different way is it run up here.

#1265 Rosssco


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:12 AM

Ross doesn't like yes support people. Too wishy washy No campaign have groups like The Orange Order UKIP SDL Brittanica Party BNP Britain First.... ;)


None of those organisation are officially in the No campaign though are they..?


I wouldn't say I don't like them, just that I don't believe them as they are often so far detached from reality, that I struggle to truly "understand" where they are coming from..

#1266 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:15 AM

They're campaigning for a No and represent an element of the no campaign in that respect. Not part of Better Together no. They've for obvious reasons and quite rightly distanced themselves.

#1267 Rosssco


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:31 AM

You should maybe look at the view on the direction of NHS in England by the labour party and the different way is it run up here.


I would say there are vastly more similarities in our health care systems than differences though.


Any changes in the format of the NHS Scotland is a devolved power as you point out, so there is no reason to point to the other NHS franchise in England / Wales.


Funding for the NHS is a separate issue in many ways, in that both governments have signifcant issues in delivering services against the back drop of necessary fiscal tightening.This won't change with independance, in fact all the evidence points to it being worse! Given the predicted fiscal black hole Scotland would have, it still seems incredible to me that people think the way to safe guard the NHS is independance. It precisely the opposite. The NHS will be dependant on how much oil comes out the ground that year, and the debt repayment levels and bond yields the country attracts as it struggles to pay off debt...


The only real change here is that we would be able to pump more money into a system that is already creaking at the seams due to demographic and social issues, not necessarily just underinvestment (spending has continued to rise, even under evil Tory's, just less quickly).

#1268 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:50 AM

Posted Image

The NHS across the UK a short history of its makeup.

This is from the blue book.

The issue the SNP raise re the NHS is that the funding for NHS Scotland is around 10% of whatever the UK government decide to spend. The move to privatisation of elements will eventually mean then uk government spend less, this being their aim. This in turn would affect the 10% allocation to NHS Scotland forcing the Scottish government's hand to either follow or cut elsewhere.

There's arguments whether the reductions in spending will ever happen though.

#1269 Goosenka


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:55 AM

Has this not been done yet?

#1270 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:55 AM

Two weeks today and me n Ross will shut up :)

#1271 Zuber


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 12:02 PM

I've decided we you should all go with the Yes Vote.


If it works out well, we can all just move up north. If not everyone moves south and it becomes a national park/testing ground :)

#1272 slindborg


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 12:51 PM

Two weeks today and me n Ross will have a fight  :)


EFA :lol:

#1273 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 12:53 PM

:lol: More than likely have a pint. There's a great saying in Scotland. "Wir aw Jock Tamsen's bairns" ;)

#1274 G-Bob


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 01:10 PM

Two weeks today and me n Ross will shut up :)


Do you promise?

#1275 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 01:11 PM

Only if you buy me some Stewart's Hollyrood IPA ;)

#1276 Rosssco


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 01:36 PM

:lol: More than likely have a pint. There's a great saying in Scotland. "Wir aw Jock Tamsen's bairns" ;)


The "loser" pays.. :lol:

#1277 LY_Scott


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 01:40 PM

Deal :D

#1278 Rosssco


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 01:46 PM

The NHS across the UK a short history of its makeup. This is from the blue book. The issue the SNP raise re the NHS is that the funding for NHS Scotland is around 10% of whatever the UK government decide to spend. The move to privatisation of elements will eventually mean then uk government spend less, this being their aim. This in turn would affect the 10% allocation to NHS Scotland forcing the Scottish government's hand to either follow or cut elsewhere. There's arguments whether the reductions in spending will ever happen though.


Yeah, that's why I called them a franchise.. They are essentially offer the same things but do it in slightly different ways.


The whole privatisation thing does not mean that we will see an overall reduction in budget allocation - money is still allocated to pay for private services. I think this is very much scaremongering on behalf of the SNP.. Many services in Scotland are effectively private / sub-contracted already. This is just the more complex nature of such a large organisation such as the NHS.


And why wouldn't we want to spend less and become more efficient? I understand many see this as the start of the potential end of "free at the point of use", but no where has this been proposed.. I personally wouldn't care who ran the NHS, whether it was part public / part private if it continued (which I'm sure it will) being free (of course, its not free, we just pay for it collectively)..

#1279 Rosssco


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 01:50 PM

And Geldof says we are all "amazing"... :huh:


Although he does actually make some good points..




Oh and he strafes the article with the customary F-bomb's..

Edited by Rosssco, 04 September 2014 - 01:52 PM.

#1280 Rosssco


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 03:08 PM

This a decent wee read, and not biased, even though it comes from the BBC...



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