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Scotland Independence

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#1441 Rosssco


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:37 AM

Just watching this weeks PMlessQ's. Forgot what a good speaker William Hague is. Shame Scotland and the Yes campaign is so anti-Tory as it would've been much better to see someone like him going up against the two fishes, instead of the drip that is Darling.


Hague is decent, but I think he needs to get past puberty before being taken completely seriously..


As you kind of point out, its the fact he has a Tory badge that makes him toxic up here to many who judge the world on its 40-year history. It doesn't matter how good / sh*t a politician you are, unless you wear the right colours no one will give you the time of day. This is as evident (more so in some respects) in the Scottish political society as anywhere else..


It often slightly amuses me when a couple of mates my age start spouting off against Tories / Thatcher etc. and how they ruined Scotland, despite the fact they probably be working in some lower paid manual job somewhere in a government-subsidised industry, perhaps skillfully smacking stuff with a hammer or operating heavy machinery, rather than their web-designer / business / media / white collar type jobs they currently occupy...

#1442 techieboy


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:38 AM

Looking for you now Scott, coverage on Daily Politics.


ETA: Ooops, no spot. Coverage lasted for about 8 seconds. :lol:

Edited by techieboy, 10 September 2014 - 11:39 AM.

#1443 Rosssco


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:42 AM


Just watching this weeks PMlessQ's. Forgot what a good speaker William Hague is. Shame Scotland and the Yes campaign is so anti-Tory as it would've been much better to see someone like him going up against the two fishes, instead of the drip that is Darling.


I just wish he would drop the attempted toff accent and just speak like he does off camera. Accordingly Hague is actually a thoroughly insightful man, with real people skills and genuine values. So much so a staunch old labour politician friend ranks him exceptionally highly.



My Grandfather was a Labour member all his life (until they decided to join in Iraqi 2 - Return of the Bushmaster), as was his mother, and he himself still deals / talks with some in the current parliment etc.


He a big Thatcher fan however (as a person / politician).. Political defining lines are often swept away on the strength of the character of a politician.

#1444 techieboy


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:50 AM

It often slightly amuses me when a couple of mates my age start spouting off against Tories / Thatcher etc. and how they ruined Scotland, despite the fact they probably be working in some lower paid manual job somewhere in a government-subsidised industry, perhaps skillfully smacking stuff with a hammer or operating heavy machinery, rather than their web-designer / business / media / white collar type jobs they currently occupy...



That's certainly not isolated to Scotland. Cracks me up the number of 20 something's who rail against Thatcher and her changes despite not even being born at the time and have no grasp of even vaguely modern history - other than who last won cnutFactor et al.


I guess if Thatcher was so wrong, Salmond will be recommissioning all the of the deserted mines and foundries up there and subsidies be damned.

#1445 LY_Scott


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 12:03 PM

Odd. I'm hearing sky reported it as a selected audience..... Um.....

#1446 LY_Scott


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 12:10 PM

Interesting. BBC saying this too. Weird.

#1447 LY_Scott


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 12:16 PM

Maybe I unwittingly gatecrashed :lol:

#1448 Rosssco


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 12:19 PM

Maybe I was unwittingly selected :lol:



#1449 LY_Scott


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 12:20 PM

Again here http://news.stv.tv/s...-tories-a-kick/

#1450 Rudy



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Posted 10 September 2014 - 08:53 PM

It often slightly amuses me when a couple of mates my age start spouting off against Tories / Thatcher etc. and how they ruined Scotland, despite the fact they probably be working in some lower paid manual job somewhere in a government-subsidised industry, perhaps skillfully smacking stuff with a hammer or operating heavy machinery, rather than their web-designer / business / media / white collar type jobs they currently occupy...

I have 2 cousins in Edinburgh who have well paid public sector jobs but both rail against the Tories and how they ruined Scotland in the 80's. Your post is spot on thumbsup

#1451 techieboy


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 09:49 PM

RBS to announce in the morning that they're moving their HQ from Edinburgh to London in event of a Yes vote. Well, I guess we do own 80%+ of it.

#1452 KurtVerbose


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 09:59 PM

How many people live in Scotland? 3 people change their mind and there's a massive swing.

#1453 Rosssco


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:11 PM

Ok, obviously I want a no vote, but in a way I'm glad the tighening in the polls has awoken the UK establishment to the threat, and I truly hope they leave no (legitimate) weapon unused in the quest to smash the nationalists.. As a secondary thing, I'm glad there's more focus on the devolutionary powers. This is one thing that if formed into a more cohesive, forward-looking proposal, could have avoided this scenario, as most people just want more say and a bit more clout in Scotland, but many have been forced down the Yes route due to the slightly opaque nature of proposals. I think either way (hopefully no) the political landscape will have evolved across the UK. And they say us Scots have no real effect on British politics..

#1454 G-Bob


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:30 AM

So Phcott... What's the YES spin on the banks leaving?

#1455 G-Bob


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:34 AM

Just read that its a legal procedure and that its in Scotland's best interested. Lloyd's say " we have contingency plans in place which include the establishment of new legal entities in England. This is a legal procedure and there would be no immediate changes or issues which could affect our business or our customers." So basically is a registration of a legal entity down south. Man....talk about sensationalist media again.

#1456 CocoPops


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 07:09 AM

So Royal Bank of SCOTLAND will move to England? :lol: http://m.bbc.co.uk/n...siness-29151798

#1457 Rosssco


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 08:12 AM

You can call it sensationalist, but the FACTS are that these banks and major financial institutions are in effect warning, not in the form of an open letter to the people of Scotland, but by making some technical arrangements, that they will move their operations in the event of a yes.. Its like getting a home report and tidying some stuff up because you know the neighbourhood could take a turn for the worse.


You don't just decide to up sticks and leave, it would take many months / years probably for any actual jobs to go, but the writing is on the wall. Whether voters will be swayed with this is not clear, but its not as if this hasn't been pointed out many times, just that some people don't want to hear it as it doesn't fit their image..


But again, all we will hear is its scaremongering...


Just read that its a legal procedure and that its in Scotland's best interested. Lloyd's say " we have contingency plans in place which include the establishment of new legal entities in England. This is a legal procedure and there would be no immediate changes or issues which could affect our business or our customers." So basically is a registration of a legal entity down south. Man....talk about sensationalist media again.


#1458 LY_Scott


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 08:18 AM

All cancelled out by a currency union arrangement of course. The story is spun as a "relocation" when its actually a legal process to make sure they retain the BoE as a lender of last resort. There are no closing of offices. Lloyds is already HQ'd in London and RBS is 81% owned by the UK Government. Aberdeen Asset Management seem quite content though eh? :lol:

#1459 techieboy


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 08:21 AM

The RBS announcement about actually moving it's HQ is more significant though, surely? Sure lots of jobs will remain in Edinburgh but it then becomes a London/rUK registered bank with a London/rUK registered office and the taxes will be payable to rUK, despite the much heralded reduced corporation taxes.

#1460 techieboy


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 08:22 AM

All cancelled out by a currency union arrangement of course.  


Still doing the burying your heads in the sand thing and telling yourselves it's okay, rUK will give us an official currency union then? :lol:

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