Just watching this weeks PMlessQ's. Forgot what a good speaker William Hague is. Shame Scotland and the Yes campaign is so anti-Tory as it would've been much better to see someone like him going up against the two fishes, instead of the drip that is Darling.
Hague is decent, but I think he needs to get past puberty before being taken completely seriously..
As you kind of point out, its the fact he has a Tory badge that makes him toxic up here to many who judge the world on its 40-year history. It doesn't matter how good / sh*t a politician you are, unless you wear the right colours no one will give you the time of day. This is as evident (more so in some respects) in the Scottish political society as anywhere else..
It often slightly amuses me when a couple of mates my age start spouting off against Tories / Thatcher etc. and how they ruined Scotland, despite the fact they probably be working in some lower paid manual job somewhere in a government-subsidised industry, perhaps skillfully smacking stuff with a hammer or operating heavy machinery, rather than their web-designer / business / media / white collar type jobs they currently occupy...