Well we have Halifax branch in Leicester, can't be much different 
I just find it truly bizarre that people are able to sit there straight faced and honestly claim/believe this lot (everything that comes with becoming a seperate country) isn't going to cost [font="calibri, sans-serif;"]ridiculous [/font] amounts of money. We have a great track record of large scale ventures not costing much after all...
You can point to this or that Professor and spin it all you want. Going Independent is going to be Hard, Expensive and Painful. That's just the reality of major change and upheaval. Just moving house is bloody stressful for crying out loud. Sometimes, all the pain is worth it...
If Scots want to go it alone, fair enough. But don't kid yourselves or try and fool anyone else it's not going to be a difficult and bumpy journey. It's going hurt quite a bit for quite some time before things settle and get better.
In the end, there will some pluses and some minuses. And with a fair dollop of luck, depending on who you are and if you can actually figure it all out you might feel you/Scotland are a bit better off.
Well worth a punt ...