A couple of practical matters crossed my mind today. In an independent Yescotland.....
What body will be responsible for the issue/reissue of Yescottish passports, given that HM Passport Office serve the UK?
What body will be responsible for the issue of Vehicle and Driving licensing, given that DVLA serve UK?
What about TV licensing?
Will the National Grid be happy to "export" electricity and gas to Yescotland?
Will a seperate body be set up to replace HMRC?
Will a seperate Border Force be set up by Yescotland?
It strikes me that, given that Independence Day will be March 2016, there is too little time to set these bodies up from scratch. I am damn sure us fcuking English won't be helping with this process. Anyhow, the Data Protection Act would prevent us from sharing any current records....
The IT implications alone will be staggering.
A couple of other, minor issues:
Will Yescotland automatically adopt UK driving laws - drink driving, national speed limits etc - or will these be reviewed?
Will Yescotland still be part of the Commonwealth? (not that this really matters to anyone
These ARE, mostly, serious questions that don't recall being discussed.
Anyway - I would be sad to see the UK broken up in what I feel to be an anti-Tory, anti current-government, act. In my heart, I hope Yes voters will not be regretting their decision (IF they "win") when the next Labour government is voted in and taxes are halved, public spending doubled, interest rates reduced (what, further..!?) and every day is sunny. Like last time.
But, as an Englishman who loves to be hated, part of me does want to see the Braveheart-brigade win their vote, then live to regret it
. Then call a referendum on UK Union. Then get the gate closed on them....
Good Luck "No" voters!