Scotland Independence
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:40 PM
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:45 PM
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:45 PM
"Nick Robinson Scandal" I wish I had my own scandal..
Maybe I should saying something the nationalists don't like...
And what of the Orange Order? They have been doing the same thing for years, no more or no less desirable, but a regular thing. Protesting outside a broadcasting office is fairly unusual however, hence why it may have recieved more air time??
Criticising the media is healthy - demanding someone sacking because you don't like what they might have said, or their slant on something that is an imperfect science and open to individual interpretation does seem like there's a lot of bored Yes people mulling around looking for something to do..
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:47 PM
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:49 PM
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:51 PM
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:54 PM
siztenboots, on 16 Sept 2014 - 1:45 PM, said:
so not allowed into EU until at least 5 years then, and euro currency compulsory http://www.telegraph...-not-pound.html
He's lying don't you know.
Big DC was on the dog and bone to him (you know, since we have a cosy relationship with the Spanish at present), and told him to say that..
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:57 PM
Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:59 PM
LY_Scott, on 16 Sept 2014 - 1:47 PM, said:
It was on a Sunday afternoon Ross..... It was one banner ROFL. Storm...teacup. Odd to speak of the orange order as normal behaviour
I'm not making a big deal of it, honestly, just saying it seems like they were pretty bored, and decided to go doon for a bit of a protest.. That's fine, but the message it sends is "don't say things we don't like"..
Where I come from (Lanarkshire), OO marches are not an uncommon thing. There was one in Airdrie at the weekend when I was down there. I don't agree with them, they are bigot's, but its a fairly common site in that part of Scotland / Glasgow. If you don't come from that area you might think them unusual.
Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:03 PM
Was just reading about the Clair ridge oil fields. Interesting... Does that count as the "North Sea"
Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:05 PM
LY_Scott, on 16 Sept 2014 - 1:57 PM, said:
Interesting point you made though Ross. And from your new favourite pal paper http://www.heraldsco...penden.23387895
Well, my Mum does work there, so maybe (not in a jounalistic role)
This story is slightly old. It is politics (if true, dirty, perhaps), but we see that from both sides. It is something quite different however for the current story, as its quite a strong statement to come out with (from the Spaniard).
Conspiracy theorists will be out in force for this one..
Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:07 PM
Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:27 PM
Scott, why, deep down, do you wish to be independent?
What real reasoning do you personally have?
Does it not seem slightly backward to you that almost every other country is saying you should stick together? I mean, perhaps if you were already independent and the likes of England, Spain etc corralling you to join up would be different.
So, other than worrying about the welfare of the Scottish people and making sure you don't instantly bankrupt yourself, why would everyone else be wanting you to stay? What hidden agenda or benefits do we get from it?
Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:29 PM
The thing you have remember about the BBC, and their coverage, is that many of their programmes, including things like the evening news, is for national consumption, not regional like STV.
This may mean that they have to take a specific political slant in order to communicate a news item to people all across the UK. People in the rUK have not been subject to the constant barrage of different and contradictory news items and releases, so its (I believe) merely a syptom of our hightened awareness and sensitivity to it all.
I do it too - if there's a news item and some SNP supporter seems to get all the limelight, I feel a bit like "they seem to be giving this boy some extra air time, he must sh@gging someone in the news team..", when he's not of course.. (being SNP, he in fact sits alone, in a dark room naked wrapped in a Saltire, listening to the proclaimers, jacking off to heavily altered pictures of Nicola Sturgeon)
Too far?
Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:31 PM
No idea who she is, but she's not impressed.
Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:44 PM
Edited by LY_Scott, 16 September 2014 - 02:45 PM.
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