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Scotland Independence

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#1801 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 09:27 AM


#1802 Claws


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 09:37 AM


#1803 Rosssco


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 09:50 AM

So here is the First Minister's open letter this morning.


Dear political pawns of SCOTLAND!!!


Don't listen to them, they know nothing.. You should listen to me, my single-aim party, and the legions of brain-washed converts who have abandoned reality in the face an overly optimistic assessment of our country and ourselves.


In this debate, I have consistantly dodged the important issues, not to mislead you and gain political advantage, but to lead you, the people, to the true path of truth and light, away from the evil Tory empire and their Labour henchmen.


Every scare story perpertrated by so called "experts" can be conteracted by one of our experts with a tedious grasp of the facts. Don't worry that the weight of opinion in many areas is against us. They are all LYING. And therefore, by default Tories..


I want you to vote me into power so I can take the existing British system we already have and replicate it, with me in charge of course (i got you b*stards here, so don't be ungreatful!), while I beg and bend over to the oil companies to ensure they keep pumping, so of course you can maintain the stuff you already have.. As I said, this is a vote for real change, so from now on, all prescriptions  come on tartan paper.


Currently we live in a very undemocractic model, where we never get the governments we vote for - look at the facts - out of 22 odd general elections since the 1920's, we've only got it right 15 times.. That's a pathetic percentage of nearly 75%..! When I'm in charge, you probably get me, or my protege, wee Nicky.


The others in the rump-UK will respect us even more, because despite causing some financial turmoil for them, thinking we are a wee bit better, and abandoning them to their problems, we will have our oil. No only that they will come to see that pacifism and spending alot of money to move those nasty nukes doon the road, will make us a much safer country, and we'll all avoid those sleepless nights we all have worrying about them.. We will truly be better neighbours after effectively calling you a bunch of evil Tory-loving c*nts..


Does every country makes mistakes - Yes,


Does every country risk all that its build on the promise of more - Err, not as far as I can remember, but anyway..


We must trust ourselves. Trust each other.


And most importantly, trust me..  



Edited by Rosssco, 17 September 2014 - 09:56 AM.

#1804 Goosenka


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:00 AM

Out of interest Scott how will you feel if the no camp win?

#1805 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:04 AM

I think maybe Ross needs a sleep. I'll be fine either way goose. I'd be sad we didn't take the chance when we had it. There will be lots of I told you so for those who fall for the promise of more powers and a belief we are better together. We've been here before, promises were the same. None of them happened, the eighties did. But hey ho. Life will go on.

#1806 slindborg


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:16 AM

I think maybe Ross needs a sleep. I'll be fine either way goose. I'd be sad we didn't take the chance when we had it. There will be lots of I told you so for those who fall for the promise of more powers and a belief we are better together. We've been here before, promises were the same. None of them happened, the eighties did. But hey ho. Life will go on.



I reckon there will be lots of "I told you so" from either side regardless of the results...

#1807 myles



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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:19 AM


I think maybe Ross needs a sleep. I'll be fine either way goose. I'd be sad we didn't take the chance when we had it. There will be lots of I told you so for those who fall for the promise of more powers and a belief we are better together. We've been here before, promises were the same. None of them happened, the eighties did. But hey ho. Life will go on.



I reckon there will be lots of "I told you so" from either side regardless of the results...




Absolutely this. The nation should speak, then shut up.

#1808 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:29 AM

Back in our box Myles eh?

You sound like most of what we are opposing.

There's a passion in you and some others. It seems misdirected though. How about playing the ball and not the man? Don't be angry at Scots for getting our sh*t together and demanding change. Be angry at those who deny you the same, it isn't us!

To lighten the mood the @angrysalmond twitter account has given me the giggles again

Posted Image

#1809 LazyDonkey


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:38 AM

Back in our box Myles eh? You sound like most of what we are opposing. There's a passion in you and some others. It seems misdirected though. How about playing the ball and not the man? Don't be angry at Scots for getting our sh*t together and demanding change. Be angry at those who deny you the same, it isn't us!  



Sorry Scott but that kind of chat helps your cause, nor our nation not a jot.    


Aside from anything else "the scots" are not one nation with one view, to try to claim we are is foolish in the extreme.  

#1810 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:40 AM

And we don't all hold your view either Martin. Neither do we seek your approval.

#1811 slindborg


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:40 AM

It clearly is two nations, with many views (although at the moment focused on two views).

#1812 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:43 AM

Overall Martin I've been pretty fair in my "chat". Patronising remarks aren't helping your cause in any way.

#1813 KurtVerbose


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:43 AM

My sum up of the campaign: -


The No campaign has been really disappointing. It's focused almost completely on the negatives and uncertainty of independence - all of which will eventually be sorted out, as everyone knows. They've not had much positive to say about the union.


This is extraordinary considering the fact that most English people think we subsidise you Scots, and believe you're also over represented at Westminster, yet are for the Union. To all you Scottish Westminster conspiracy theorists, whether the money/representation angle is true or false, we mostly believe it's true, yet still want to be together. Yes, we actually like you!


The Yes campaign. They really have a vision, and have stuck to it. It's been a mostly positive campaign. However, the Westminster conspiracy theorist part of it is rubbish, and their understanding of economic affairs is primitive to say the least. Not many people, even many of their own supporters, seem to trust them - I've heard some bitter hatred about Salmond from both Yes and No supporters in Scotland.


It's not a vision i believe in. I don't believe in separating people with borders. I grew up in Yorkshire, couldn't wait to study in London, and then work abroad. This would have been much more difficult if Yorkshire was independent (almost as many people live in Yorkshire as Scotland). I think Nation States should be lowering borders not raising them.


I also don't believe in this Socialist Utopia vision. It just hardly ever works.

#1814 slindborg


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:49 AM

My sum up of the campaign: -


The No campaign has been really disappointing. It's focused almost completely on the negatives and uncertainty of independence - all of which will eventually be sorted out, as everyone knows. They've not had much positive to say about the union.


This is extraordinary considering the fact that most English people think we subsidise you Scots, and believe you're also over represented at Westminster, yet are for the Union. To all you Scottish Westminster conspiracy theorists, whether the money/representation angle is true or false, we mostly believe it's true, yet still want to be together. Yes, we actually like you!


The Yes campaign. They really have a vision, and have stuck to it. It's been a mostly positive campaign. However, the Westminster conspiracy theorist part of it is rubbish, and their understanding of economic affairs is primitive to say the least. Not many people, even many of their own supporters, seem to trust them - I've heard some bitter hatred about Salmond from both Yes and No supporters in Scotland.


It's not a vision i believe in. I don't believe in separating people with borders. I grew up in Yorkshire, couldn't wait to study in London, and then work abroad. This would have been much more difficult if Yorkshire was independent (almost as many people live in Yorkshire as Scotland). I think Nation States should be lowering borders not raising them.


I also don't believe in this Socialist Utopia vision. It just hardly ever works.



*facebook style LIKE*


Yep, "we" evil nasty English quite like the Union, Most rightly or wrongly think Scotland takes more than it makes (true or not is irrelevant really) but as above, youre still wanted. I mean we'd cut wales off in a heartbeat if we could :lol: :P

#1815 myles



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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:50 AM

Back in our box Myles eh?

You sound like most of what we are opposing.

There's a passion in you and some others. It seems misdirected though. How about playing the ball and not the man? Don't be angry at Scots for getting our sh*t together and demanding change. Be angry at those who deny you the same, it isn't us!

To lighten the mood the @angrysalmond twitter account has given me the giggles again

Posted Image



No. Not at all. Vote, that is your voice. Just don't come back after bleating about the postal vote conspiracy, or the fact the big bad BBC ruined it all for you, or that Nick Robinson lied. I have read your overzealous, nationalistic posts for a while now and i can see where we are going. No vote = excuses.


There is zero anger here, I could emigrate if I was that distraught about how our country was being managed. I'm still here, therefore no anger.

#1816 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:54 AM

I won't scream conspiracy Myles. I'll respond as per my reply to Goose. I'll be sad we missed the opportunity but I've got a life to get on with either way. I've got my own issues around work to sort the tail end of this year.

#1817 myles



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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:58 AM


Back in our box Myles eh? You sound like most of what we are opposing. There's a passion in you and some others. It seems misdirected though. How about playing the ball and not the man? Don't be angry at Scots for getting our sh*t together and demanding change. Be angry at those who deny you the same, it isn't us!  



Sorry Scott but that kind of chat helps your cause, nor our nation not a jot.    


Aside from anything else "the scots" are not one nation with one view, to try to claim we are is foolish in the extreme.  




The funny thing is that I really hope it all goes well for Scotland, you might not think so from the spin Scott puts on mine and others posts on here. This whole independence thing, win lose or draw, is creating a generation of bar room politicians, Scott being one of them, absolute masters of the art of spin. Something that the whole union agrees is a cancer in our political system.


I will reiterate, I hope it all goes well either way (why shouldn't any country be allowed to try to better itself?), and the aggrieved parties from the outcome can somehow accept the result. I somehow doubt it though.

#1818 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:01 AM

There's spin on both sides :ffs:

#1819 G-Bob


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:06 AM

It's not about a spin on things.


Everybody thinks differently in life and looks at things differently based on their upbringing, education, and life experience.   People have every right to have their opinion but are always going to pick up on the parts that effect them.



#1820 LY_Scott


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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:09 AM

The vow yesterday is a respin of a spin of another spin from spring time. A thought that spin only exists on one side is a completely blind one. People will believe what they want to believe, myself included.

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