Scott is correct, those issues have been answered in a literal sense, its just that those answers do not satisfy the majority of thinking minded people who are not enveloped in the "vision", and therefore will accept a compromised or unlikely outcome.
They also think in absolutes, such in or out, when in fact the defining factors on many issues are the conditions that will apply.
For example, I also believe that after much negotiations, the rUK political parties will be able to come to some compromised arrangement to share currency in a formal manner. However, they will demand significant control over the Scottish fiscal status, economy, spending, regulation etc.etc. In order to save political face, Team Salmond will accept this, and claim victory. Scotland will be in almost no more control of its finances and only slightly more able to "change into a better society". For those who demand independance at any cost, this will suffice, as they can walk out all proud feeling a sense of achievement..
Scotland, by leaving the UK, chooses to leave its current position within the EU. However, wanting us to remain in, a deal will be made with the EU. I predict in order for it not to look attractive to other potential break-away regioons, will be required to work towards adopting the Euro with 5-10 years, some fishing rights will be given to the Spanish, and various other concessions will be made, and current opt-outs removed. We will be Europized.. Again it will all look politically amicable, and Team Salmand will say "Look, told you we'd achieve a deal for Scotland..!"
NATO will will approve our membership as long as we make certain commitments, which may include provision of troops for foreign conflicts, and set a minimum spend limit, which we will need to adhere to. Faslane will remain operational as the base for Trident as an entry condition. Remember, Trident is an SNP policy, not necessarily a future Scottish government one, so that can be neatly side-stepped if the SNP are not in power.. 
We will become just another, fairly uninteresting European state, with all the same culture etc. as before, but towing the EU superstate policies. That's fine for some people apparently..