I said I would do this a while ago and only just got round to finishing it off even though I took the Pics as I was doing Januarys batch.
Brewing your own beer is easy and simple, its rewarding too as you get to drink what you make

Personally I don't do it because it works out to be 20p a pint or whatever, I do it as a hobby and a bit of fun. However you can't argue with cheep beer

This is a basic guide and please ask questions, I'll do my best to answer them! Also please be aware that individual beers have instructions that differ from this guild. This is just a guide and nothing more!
Before we even start we need tools and ingredients!
I'll use this space to just say, I use this place for my stuff. However Google is your friend and if you can get bits cheaper then that's all good

You will need bottles, personally I go for the reusable type as I do make a lot. You can get these from all sorts of places other then brewing shops. Ikea do these 2 pint bottles that are clear..

You will need something to brew your beer in. You can use any food grade plastic container but you need markers on it so you know how much water to put in... There are purpose produced Items for this and I have two types.. The "bin". This is just a massive bucket with lines on it and a LID. And the Wine makers tub.

You will also need sterilising powder. I can't stress how important this is.

You will need a brewing Kit... such as; this will have the yeast

you will need sugar, 99% of the time 1KG. you can use normal sugar for this but I use brewing sugar as it make the beer taste better IMO

this is not the only sugar you will need as you will need to prime the Bottles for bottling later. I will explain that later..
You will need the next following items, Long handled wooden spoon, can opener, teaspoon, syphoning tube and hydrometer..