Kit no. 1 is still for sale !!
It a pretty good kit, only 26k miles and it looks really good, (nearly like new !!!). There is a broken bold at the throttel body connector, the pulley has a dent (needs to be replaced) and as I wrote in my starting post, the gear shaft could be (minimal) bent. I made a litte video to show you the supercharger in running condition. I powered the supercharer to 5,000 RPM with my drilling machine. There are no noises or any other abnormal happenings from the rotors. But please look at the drilling machine at low speeds, at the end of the video: You will see a slightly vibration/motion in the drilling maschine which could be cause by the dent in the pulley (minimal bent in gear shaft). P.S. The connection bolt in the drilling machine is just clamped in a normal 3-way-Drill Chuck.
Check out the video here:
And check the pictures of Kit no.1 here:
Please ask an expert (like Joe) for this Kit. I think, the bent of the gear shaft is really neglectable, but I dont want to conceal anything from you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask about!
Greets, Benny
P.S. I made this "drilling machine test" with Kit no.2 and Kit no.3 too. There is no movement in the drilling machine at 5,000 RPM .. if the reserving/buying people want to see a video of it, that would not be a problem. Just ask for it!!
Edited by SpeedyVX, 06 May 2012 - 12:51 AM.