Luckily the user 'Rotivator' on SELOC made such a converter when he installed a Rover MEMS3 ECU in his car which also lacks the function to drive the S2 Elise dash just like the Honda ECU.
Direct article is here:
If you don't have access to SELOC I have attached the schematic with a picaxe controller to use an S1 Elise 'blue' temperature sensor as an input to generate the PWM signal for the dash readout.
A different NTC sensor could be used, you would just need to adapt/recalibrate the code to the reaction curve of the different sensor.
Can probably also be built with an arduino or similar if you want.
Edit: the schematic also includes a wheel speed VR signal converter. That's not needed on the Speedster as the ABS controller takes care of that for you (no ABS on the Elise..)
The code for the picaxe is as follows:
Code:;2/5/2011 Version 4 - fully working, installed into car
;30/5/2011 Version 5 - all temperatures lowered by 2 degrees C to fall in line with OBD data
;program to read analogue voltage from blue sensor on pin A.0 of a picaxe 28x2 module (AXE200)
;output is a variable duty cycle, 100Hz PWM waveform on pin C.2 to drive Elise S2 stack dash
;An external 816 Ohm resistor is wired between pin A.0 and +5V ref. to create a potential divider with the blue sensor
setfreq m1 ;decrease picaxe base frequency to 1mHz (to allow PWMOUT at low frequency, 100Hz)
adcsetup=1 ;setup ADC0 on pin A.0
gosub ADC2PWM ;fill scratch array with PWM lookup table
pwmout pwmdiv16, C.2, 153,10 ;start the PWM output with a default duty cycle and using 16 divider to slow down clock
;pwmout pwmdiv16, C.2, x,y where:-
;x=frequency, 153 = 100Hz
;y=duty cycle, = x*4
for b0=0 to 9 ;loop to average 10 samples
readadc10 0,w3 ;read ADC0 (Pin A.0) into w3 word variable
next b0
b4=w4 MAX 160 ;limit values to calibration range
get b4,b5 ;lookup PWM duty cycle from ADC value
w5=b5*612/100 ;convert %PWM to picaxe duty cycle units
pwmduty C.2,w5 ;set pwm duty cycle to calibrated pulse width
goto main ;loop back to start
ADC2PWM: ;data start
;put x,y where:-
;x=ADC counts (0=highest temp.,160=lowest temp.),
;the x value is limited to 160 in the program, up to 1024 values could be used in a 28x2 module
put 0,99
put 1,99
put 2,99
Bye, Arno.