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Radar Detectors - Tom Tom & Snooper Combo - Anyone Tried It?

sat nav radar detector tom tom speed cameras snooper road angel origin b2 speeding fines jammer

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#21 jameso


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 10:25 PM

As said above laser detectors are useless, you need a product that opens garage doors or work as a parking sensor that unfortunately jams laser guns. Laser pro park is hands down the best product for this. Google guys of lidar for some good info about punch through. Radar detection is pretty useless in England too (unless you are bothered if GATSOs are on) - just use a speed camera database. My 2 euros

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sat nav, radar detector, tom tom, speed cameras, snooper, road angel, origin b2, speeding, fines, jammer

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