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Dutch Z22Se Ecu Software Now Available.

obdtuner remap z22se ecu

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#1 oakmere


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:38 AM

I would like go let everyone with an NA or SuperCharger that Peter in the Netherlands is now happy to supply the UK with his software. For those that don't know please take a minute to read the following websites: http://www.verboom.n...ster/index.html http://www.obdtuner.com/ I had my car remapped by CS last year and was pleased with the results. But as time went by I could see from my Scanguage that the closed loop fuel mapping had not been changed and I also had some possible ping at low revs high loading (this was never confirmed). I then changed my back box which may have changed fuelling slightly. Like most a trip to CS was out due to distance and I had also decided to keep the VX for the foreseeable future. So my options were standalone, throttle bodies or ask if Peter's software was to become available (I had asked MarkV a few times before). I got a positive response from Mark this time so after a conversation with Peter the decision was made (Peters English is excellent so no issues here). ECU sent to the Netherlands and one week later it was back with me. I had given a list of modifications to Peter and he installed a safe base map to start from. I had installed a set of LSJ injectors (thanks FLD) and a 65mm throttle body (thanks karlosfandango) while the ECU was on holiday. I then fitted the ECU and she started first turn much to my relief. The first job is to run a fuel learning session. This locks the car in closed loop and adjusts the fuel table to achieve a 14.7:1 ratio across the rev range. This information it then used by the ECU to calculate the desired AFR. When the learning session starts the EML lights up and you drive the car across as many loadings as possible. As the ECU get the required data the light goes out. After 30 mins of driving the light was almost permanently out up to 3500 rpm I had to then work on the upper rev range. You don't have to get the light permanently out for the whole rev range just do your best (this can be done in any gear). My total drive time was approx 80 mins to get a good data sample. The software then incorporates the data into the base map and auto fills any cells with low or no data. I have now got a fuel map for the full rev range at all loadings unlike most aftermarket maps that will only adjust open loop full loadings. This is where I am up to now. I need to map ignition advance next but the weather has stopped play. Other things I really like about the software are: 1) full adjustment of throttle body vs pedal 2) Fan activation temp 3) Idle speed (to help my idle with cams), 4) On road dyno which is used in the ignition mapping 5) Full data logging of all sensors 6) Turned off EGR in ECU and turned off catalyst checking so cheaters and sims are not needed. The old EGR can be use to support an additional sensor. I think this is by far the most elegant solution as everything is OEM. For extreme levels of tune full standalone may better but Peter is improving the software all the time. The software has been used for the NA, GM super charger and Rotrex. It will also support turbo applications for the z22se. I will update when the next stage is complete weather permitting.

#2 JimmyJamJerusalem


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:46 AM

Sounds brilliant!! I know Mark's been busy on this forever!!!! What sort of costs were involved?? SC Friendly too?

#3 siztenboots



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Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:53 AM

if you self map, then whats to stop everyone passing round best learnt settings?

#4 FLD



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Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:57 AM

Awesome news. :groupjump:

#5 techieboy


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:57 AM

SC Friendly too?

Yes. But last thing I heard, it didn't handle VXR injectors or the 68mm LSJ throttle body. May well have changed by now though.

#6 siztenboots



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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:01 AM

presumably if people who want to self tune, buy Peters software from him including support and maintenance for future development, the base files for various of injector size. Then the rest can be group developed and shared. The actual flashing hardware for the GMPT E-15 can be your usual kit.

#7 oakmere


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:03 AM

if you self map, then whats to stop everyone passing round best learnt settings?


#8 techieboy


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:04 AM

I got the impression the map is locked to the ECU's custom firmware and isn't directly transferable between ECU's. So whilst you could share maps, I think you'd be manually entering the values for each cell through the laptop software. Probably just as quick and a whole lot more accurate to go through the proper learning process.

#9 oakmere


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:07 AM

SC Friendly too?

Yes. But last thing I heard, it didn't handle VXR injectors or the 68mm LSJ throttle body. May well have changed by now though.

I think Peter can now program for any injectors just the specs are required. It dose support the LSJ TB just a click on a drop box to change.




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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:08 AM

Following thread

Edited by Chill, 18 January 2013 - 11:08 AM.

#11 siztenboots



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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:08 AM

speaking from a z20let , yes the chassis number and bits are in the file, including the map, immo data, plus checksums. You normally read this customer data before starting a new project, then the rest is overlayed , checksums recalced then written back.

#12 techieboy


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:09 AM

I think Peter can now program for any injectors just the specs are required. It dose support the LSJ TB just a click on a drop box to change.

Cool. thumbsup

Does the rev limit go above 7k rpm now as well?

#13 LY_Scott


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:11 AM

Wow. This is awesome.

#14 oakmere


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:14 AM

The maps are imported to the software from a file saved on the PC. I could send you a copy of my map and it would contain all the saved data in the ECU I could be wrong but I don't think this file is tied to my ECU. You would have to ask Peter. The firmware added to the ECU is protected and an individual code is required to allow the software to speak to the ECU.

#15 oakmere


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:15 AM

Rev limit 7800

#16 techieboy


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:15 AM

Perfick. thumbsup

#17 oakmere


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:16 AM

presumably if people who want to self tune, buy Peters software from him including support and maintenance for future development, the base files for various of injector size. Then the rest can be group developed and shared. The actual flashing hardware for the GMPT E-15 can be your usual kit.

Yes this sounds correct.

#18 NickB787


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:17 AM

Yea good isn't it, I am awaiting a reply to some questions I sent to Peter, great thing about this is it is an oem setup so no rewiring required and all oem things will continue to work. Be nice to think it will handle the harrop ok

Edited by NickB777, 18 January 2013 - 11:24 AM.

#19 oakmere


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:19 AM

Sounds brilliant!! I know Mark's been busy on this forever!!!! What sort of costs were involved?? SC Friendly too?

Yes Sc friendly at least 3 GM SC and 2 Rotrex.

The cost is not cheap. €875.00 so approx £750.00. No fitting or mapping costs though.

#20 fezzasus


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Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:20 AM

Very interested

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