I asked Peter a couple of questions here was his reply
These were some questions from the vx220.org.uk forum.
Ok, I will have a look there. Maybe it is a good idea to add a small post
about the differences between the ObdTuner software and the original
software because my website is not up to date yet?
One thing I was thinking about is running a tmap sensor (afr correctionbased on
hat) instead of a regular map sensor.
Only thing is that the T-compensation table should take this intoaccount... (My LSJ starts > retarding spark above 50*C. Not sure how the
Z22SE/OBD compensates)
Yes, the air temperature is taken into account for calculating the fuel
mixture. I have set the spark retarding mechanism to 70C.
learning mode in OBD tuner is done in full Closed Loop mode with thenarrowband sensor, so > around 14.7AFR...
This is not completely accurate, it is actually closer to an AFR of 13.5
because the standard Lambda sensor is not completely switching and is
capable of measuring a little bit outside the lambda 1 range.
Take care with boosted engines that you only do short WOT runs and let itcool in between!
This is correct, For high boosted engines, I always advise to do the WOT run
in second gear and afterwards give the engine a few seconds time to
On higlly boosted engines I would stick with a safer Open Loop fuelenrichment logging with > safer Wideband feedback ~11.8AFR
(Think Peter now made a signal logging possible through the redundant EGRwiring.)
Yes, you can log the output from a wideband sensor using the freed up EGR
input and can tune based on this information. You can also do an internal
measuring run, the engine is not forced into closed but the EGR input is
measured for every fuel cell. Afterwards you can easily modify your base
fuel map with this data. This way you do not have to run the engine lean and
can tune the WOT. It is really easy to do, I have not put this into the
manual yet, but. If you like you can send me the learned data from such a
run and I will modify your calibration for you.
Kind regards,
Someone has a Vx with this software on a harrop already and all good apparently
Yea the chap has a hitec conversion with the small upright cc rad which will be why he is getting the high temps. One thing I like is I can change the injector sizes and just change it in the software I think 470 are a bit small