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#121 JohnTurbo



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:21 PM

SSSF moments dont tend to attract lectures. ..weve all been there, but generally without car number 2 in the wrong place/time. I drive the vx much slower than I did on the road now.

#122 -Dab-of-Oppo-



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:25 PM

Stuwy, appreciate this is an odd request, but one day when you're ready will you tell us what actually happened?

It was totally my fault I should have been more careful on roads I am not familiar with. 20mph would have got us round safely or perhaps a better driver would have managed.

Good man. thumbsup It's all to easy to get caught up in the spirit of a run and perhaps take undue risks that you know you would not normally take. I think we will all have been guilty of that at some point. Unfortunatly you paid more dearly than simply having a momentary panic and rush of adrenalin. We live and learn.

Keep your chin up and I hope the road to recovery is swift and with no real lasting effects.

Sparing a thought for the other party involved I trust they are OK and are being of an amicable nature towards you?

#123 fluffyskg


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:58 PM

Don't mind telling, I was traveling along a country style lane, quite narrow with high hedges. Doing around 30 mph I entered a corner expecting it to be a sweeping left hander. What become apparant is that it was a two stage corner and now turning already there was a sign to indicate that its sharp (to late down the road to see but water, bridge and all that) anyway, the corner got very sharp very quickly, a hairpin in fact. So extra steering was applied but grip run out and the car understeered (washed out) whatever you want to call it. Unfortunately there was a car coming the other way and we collided. If there was no car on the other side of the road it would have been a different story and I would have had a scary story to tell at the beach.

It was totally my fault I should have been more careful on roads I am not familiar with. 20mph would have got us round safely or perhaps a better driver would have managed. However it is what it is and I already feel like complete sh*t so I would appreciate no lectures from the forum please.

I can't believe you'd get any lectures, that could happen to any of us on a road we don't know, and I'm sure you're a much better driver than me and possibly others on here too. Accidents happen. Glad to see you're both ok and trust that the third party is as well, that's really all that matters as so many others on here have said already.

Hope you get back in a car soon - that would really knock my driving confidence I reckon, and they say the only thing to do is get back on the horse / in a VX!

#124 G-Bob


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 02:10 PM

The only time lectures happen are with people who do dangerous things or don't take responsibility for their actions. You've already said it was your fault and effectively mis-read the road. End of story, No ear-bashing here. Good on you for taking responsibility, a very mature attitude. thumbsup

#125 SPLAM


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 02:17 PM

I thought the only time lectures happen is when a newbie posts similar? Runs and hides. No dig at the OP, could happen to lots of us, I've had plenty of SSSF moments in my time.

#126 Baron Von Scubadaddy

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 02:18 PM

Do more track days this may stop u from feeling like Jenson button it works for me To be honest I've been putting my foot down recently when perhaps I shouldn't have. I'm gonna book Brands Indy on may the 30th you are very welcome to come and be a second driver in my slightly under powered NA. Pm me stuwy if your interested in joining me. rallly :)

#127 Kal


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:10 PM

To be fair, I recall that corner. Being my first outing, I too went outside my comfort zone of driving, just to keep up with the pack (and so I didnt have to lead) Not that its on your mind at the moment mate, but you've certainly opened up my eyes there. I even remember that corner, with my backend going like the clappers (not the VX's....) So however fudged up it might be; thanks for teaching me that. Seriously.

#128 Pipo


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:20 PM

Oh my G** :( Makes me remember my first Speedster that I crashed in 2004. It took me a year to heal from a severe whiplash. Glad you're all ok, mate :grouphug: . Take it easy for a while. It's an expensive lesson, but luckely nothing more than that.

#129 hairy



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:43 PM

Really sorry for you Stuwy, wish you both a speedy recovery. That corner nearly fcucked me up too, I was just lucky nothing was coming the other way. :grouphug:

#130 Baron Von Scubadaddy

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:49 PM

Stuwy I've just booked it offer stands no rush take your time to think about it put a pencil on the 30th of may at brands I've booked a lesson too u can have that on me !

#131 J4EY D


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:00 PM

I've just booked it
offer stands
no rush take your time to think about it
put a pencil on the 30th of may at brands
I've booked a lesson too
u can have that on me !

What a great offer! :Imnotworthy:

I know it's hard, but I'd take the Scuba Daddy's offer. Even if you drive round at 5mph, I'm sure it will help get your head straight, if nothing else.

I'll even pick you up, take you there and then drop you home after :)

#132 siztenboots



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:20 PM

I've just booked it
offer stands
no rush take your time to think about it
put a pencil on the 30th of may at brands
I've booked a lesson too
u can have that on me !

I've just asked Jo about second drivers on the LoT forum as I have a friend I would like to experience some on track driving

#133 Baron Von Scubadaddy

Baron Von Scubadaddy

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:22 PM

much love on this site I know I take the p*ss but there are some good peeps on here ( well some times ! )

#134 Baron Von Scubadaddy

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:23 PM

I've just booked it
offer stands
no rush take your time to think about it
put a pencil on the 30th of may at brands
I've booked a lesson too
u can have that on me !

I've just asked Jo about second drivers on the LoT forum as I have a friend I would like to experience some on track driving

I thought this was all good
I took my brother to cadwell a few years back and he drove mine !

then I crashed on my lesson !!!!!! super poof

Edited by Baron Von Scubadaddy, 09 April 2013 - 04:24 PM.

#135 Andrew aka Stuwy

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:42 PM

I've just booked it
offer stands
no rush take your time to think about it
put a pencil on the 30th of may at brands
I've booked a lesson too
u can have that on me !

your offer is really too kind :grouphug: :wub:

however I don't trust myself in my own car let alone someone else's. I went out and sat in the corsa earlier and just felt so uncomfortable (aside from the crash pain) I can't see myself driving much atm.

The thought of a long drive I am meant to be doing next weekend is giving me sweats and I had a bad dream last night :unsure:


#136 Goosenka


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:43 PM

Just take it easy buddy. It will come, it will come

#137 NickB787


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:46 PM

Wow, just read this, so glad your both OK

#138 Mangham54



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:46 PM

I've just booked it
offer stands
no rush take your time to think about it
put a pencil on the 30th of may at brands
I've booked a lesson too
u can have that on me !

your offer is really too kind :grouphug:/> :wub:/>

however I don't trust myself in my own car let alone someone else's. I went out and sat in the corsa earlier and just felt so uncomfortable (aside from the crash pain) I can't see myself driving much atm.

The thought of a long drive I am meant to be doing next weekend is giving me sweats and I had a bad dream last night :unsure:/>


If you wanna talk through it fella feel free to PM me. I remember sobbing after a journey to work shortly after ny crash in the MG.

#139 fezzasus


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:48 PM

your offer is really too kind :grouphug: :wub:

however I don't trust myself in my own car let alone someone else's. I went out and sat in the corsa earlier and just felt so uncomfortable (aside from the crash pain) I can't see myself driving much atm.

The thought of a long drive I am meant to be doing next weekend is giving me sweats and I had a bad dream last night :unsure:


A track really is the safest place to drive a car, there's people looking out for you around the track, no one is coming the other way, if you get it wrong there's a lot more run off than a normal road. It might be what you need to get some confidence back.

#140 MartinS


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:59 PM

So glad to read that youve both come out of that ok, the car seems to have protected you better than people would imagine looking at it. The other car and its occupants (a couple of younguns as well as the driver) were still there when we drove home a few hours after the incident and seemed ok. If you for any reason need any pictures or anything for insurance reasons, let us know as were only 30 minutes from there. Martin s

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