My Rollercoaster Vx220 Journey
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:07 PM
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:13 PM
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:17 PM
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:20 PM
Job creation? Hope they get kicked out of service!
I think being kicked out of the service is the least of their worries right now. I would not like to be in their shoes, their actual names and the roads they live in has been published in the newspaper.
Edited by peteslag, 11 April 2015 - 07:21 PM.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:33 PM
I can't imagine how gutting that was for you, Pete.
Posted 11 April 2015 - 08:10 PM
Posted 12 April 2015 - 04:21 PM
Posted 12 April 2015 - 05:56 PM
I hope I'm there to see justice served. The hearing is the the 28th April at the Shrewsbury magistrates court, I don't know how these things work but I'd love to go to it and see the look on their faces in court. I sincerely hope they get a custodial sentence.
Posted 12 April 2015 - 06:46 PM
Posted 12 April 2015 - 07:49 PM
^ Paid someone to start the fires on their shift?
Posted 12 April 2015 - 08:47 PM
Unbelievable!! That is a real rollercoaster with a sting in the tail!!
I would want to kill the bastards!!
Posted 13 April 2015 - 10:04 AM
First I've read of this and can't quite believe it. Can't imagine how angry that would leave me.
Did you go along to the trial? Just alone to ask them why they moved on from bins to torching someone's prized possession? fcuking scum. Can't stand people that don't respect other's possessions.
That's disgusting!! One thing you can take out of it is that they have been caught and if the systems works correctly they will get what they have coming to them!!
Slap on the wrist and back out into the open world to disrespect more people's hard worked for stuff.
Edited by VX Boyd, 13 April 2015 - 10:07 AM.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 05:04 PM
The hearing hasn't happened yet. My boss has agreed to give me the time off to go it, just need to talk to the coppers to try get them to let me attend.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 05:13 PM
Posted 13 April 2015 - 05:20 PM
Posted 13 April 2015 - 06:11 PM
Edited by Duncan VXR, 13 April 2015 - 06:12 PM.
Posted 21 October 2015 - 10:19 AM
Here is an interesting twist in the tale of my poor old VXT:
Before any one says it, no I didn't have anything to do with it!
Posted 21 October 2015 - 10:56 AM
Blimey, thats a strange twist.
Surprised you have not bought the turbo Moonland that is currently for sale
Posted 21 October 2015 - 12:03 PM
110 miles to get to work these days. I think I'd rather a dose of gonorrhea than do that commute in a VX. I'm driving something a bit boring softer these days.
Posted 21 October 2015 - 12:15 PM
First time I've seen this.
Gob smacked. Absolutely unbelievable.
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