The price including vat & shipping to you is £260 (based on 15 orders)
There will likely be an extra cost for inserts for the bleed valve on the two heater hoses (they will just give us an empty take-off) but that will likely be only a few quid
Delivery time ~60 days from when we place the order (including time for any adjustments needed to the hose)
This goes up and down quite a lot depending on how many orders we put in
10x £294.86
15x £260.27
20x £242.97
30x £225.68
Please confirm next to your name if you want to go ahead:
1. rik - confirmed
2. murraymintz
3. Wreelybro
4. e7 jmc
5. VX220BOB
6. Chris P Duck
7. haggi961
8. 2deano5
9. ArticMonkey
10. Јason
12. D3YMO
13. Nikov
14. Robin
15. Dominique
16. Graeme

Edited by rik, 30 September 2013 - 04:20 PM.