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B207 Saab Conversions

b207 engine swap conversion

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#961 Rosssco


    Scary Internerd

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Posted 08 February 2018 - 10:23 PM


the main difference is the vvt, the block has two lugs to block off the oilways   so you can fit a non vvt head to a vvt block, but trying to fit a vvt head to a non vvt block might have issues

  so shouldent be a issue using my crank and head in a A20nft (gen 3 block ) from a astra vxr which should equal up to 400 + hp   and my next question will my pistons and rods be ok ( will i need new rings head bolts gaskets etc etc ) and is it worth opening out my exhaust ports while im there to match the exhaust primarys ??  
  Careful, you sound perilously close to installing a full turbo engine (and joining the dark side!).  
You can pick up a brand new A20NFT of eBay for about £2.2k (maybe slightly cheaper if you shop around), almost complete. You need another couple of £k at least to get it running however..

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: b207, engine swap, conversion

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