Anyone else a supporter/investor in bitcoin?

Posted 10 November 2013 - 10:01 AM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 10:47 AM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:13 AM
Nope. Can't see it myself. Always in the news for the wrong reasons, being stolen etc.Anyone else a supporter/investor in bitcoin?
Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:22 AM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:24 AM
i bought in at £30 a coin. recently peaked at £250 a coin.
With the Governments having to either default or inflate away debts, a currency with built in deflation will definitely catch on.
I can only see more QE and forced inflation as interest rates will never be allowed to rise as that would cause a massive massive house price crash. (Although this will lead to an eventual currency collapse as wage inflation is not following as it did in the 70's) The news stories never seem to actually understand what a bitcoin is. Its as safe as using a bank uses the same cryptology. The only weak point is the exchanges, which you do not need to use with bitcoins. with the inevitable pension fund confiscations, and "bail ins" coming from all across the world i can only see bitcoin going up and up. Im just starting out with bitcoin, i see it as a good way to escape fiat currency.
Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:31 AM
Think it's very interesting and a real threat to state currencies. Governments are going to do all sorts to suppress it.
i think the goverments are going to be too slow to react to it. was reading even part of the U.S Fed has taken a "pilot" position with bitcoins. with the youth of today getting the sh*t end of the stick i can see them turning away from the housing ponzi and pensions. Bitcoin is a pefect way forward. As a young guy i see gold and bitcoins as a great long long term hold. (although i dont have much!) I also got a VX as i also see the values starting to creep up in a few years! and its as cheap to run for me as other vehicles and 100 times more fun! haha
Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:42 AM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 12:01 PM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 12:12 PM
i only took a small punt. and its definitely paid off. Although i would wait a few weeks for the price to settle again after the recent bubble. Only issue with waiting a few weeks for the price to settle is that with bitcoin, every time a government devalues its currency (currently the euro interest rate drop) or confiscates funds it takes off again. And such events seem to be happening more and more now that presidents have been set. Im actually a big fan of capitalism, would be great if the overextended people buying houses in the boom got burnt (so i could buy cheaply!). But currently we dont have true capitalism with the goverment trying to pick and choose which asset classes to inflate (help to buy) I think a lot of vested interests hate the idea of bitcoin, its soo new and revolutionary. Definitely a threat to the status quo. If anything, its deeply interesting! i can see sterling taking a huge drop in value after the election.
Posted 10 November 2013 - 04:44 PM
I thought people just used it on silkroad (or did) Quite interesting seeing in the mainstream news and stuff. A guy has a few million quids worth stolen by hackers so its not totally infallible/safe.
Posted 10 November 2013 - 06:00 PM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 06:17 PM
Posted 10 November 2013 - 06:19 PM
Yeah with appreciation like that you just think bubble/crash. wouldn't be investing now.
Posted 11 November 2013 - 09:58 AM
if its already in the media , you've missed the boat
Posted 11 November 2013 - 10:58 AM
I have about 15 left... bought them about 5 years ago when they were £1 a coin... tidy
My mate has around 500, he introduced me to them ages back for *ahem* purchasing goods...
Posted 11 November 2013 - 11:19 AM
So is it worth jumping in on and buying Lite coin given the press Bit is getting atm? Is there a chance Lite coins will boom in value if/when bitcoin goes tits up?
Posted 11 November 2013 - 11:25 AM
So is it worth jumping in on and buying Lite coin given the press Bit is getting atm? Is there a chance Lite coins will boom in value if/when bitcoin goes tits up?
did a spot of reading and it seems LC's are easy to mine with simple kit so I guess there is no harm in doing so
Posted 11 November 2013 - 12:09 PM
Posted 11 November 2013 - 12:27 PM
What is the source of the bitcoin's value? Is it backed by any physical commodity?
Posted 11 November 2013 - 12:31 PM
What is the source of the bitcoin's value? Is it backed by any physical commodity?
what is the source of Golds value?
sure its pretty, its mostly inert, its got a finite quantity on the planet etc, but what makes it worth more than Tin, Lead, Clay etc ?
So LTc's are hard to mine... FFS The internet is a liar
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