Yet you scoured random forums to see if anyone said anything about you. Have you hunted down the 3 other posters on the pistonheads thread that complained about you too?I think everyone needs grow up a bit,

Posted 29 December 2013 - 11:55 PM
Posted 29 December 2013 - 11:58 PM
Nope, another chap who was on the day linked it to me. Trust me, I don't have time to post 7000+ posts, which is why I bid you farewellYet you scoured random forums to see if anyone said anything about you. Have you hunted down the 3 other posters on the pistonheads thread that complained about you too?I think everyone needs grow up a bit,
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:04 AM
If your grow up a bit comment is aimed at me I think you need get of your fcuking high horse because whereas you didnt give me any grief no matter how long you've been doing track days and racing you weren't that good that you can come on here dishing out advice to peopleI think everyone needs grow up a bit, these forum discussions are a little like being in a playground sometimes, its probably my bad for bothering to respond. We have been racing and attending track days for years and 90% of the time the moaners are the below par, slower cars who want proove something to their passengers/mates. Anyway...Look forward to seeing some of you on the track in the future. Happy New Year!
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:08 AM
Definitely a reason to pay a little more to avoid the carnage of yesterday. Yesterdays Opentrack 60 cars at £99 or Todays LoT 43 cars at £140. Also more chance of like minded drivers rather than doodahs in chavved up subarus. No red flags or accidents today.
Now now mr doodah in a not chaved up subaru ....There were couple of "tools" in the classic shape which were holding up a bit but eventually let us past. No need for insults , some of us doodahs are same enthusiasts as you too. In the whole day none of scooby boys had any incident , none that i saw at least .. but that's not the case , the day was messy but thats cause amount of the cars as was mentioned before.
Some comments of your's on here really embarased me a bit ,seemed like you owned the track and everything on it the whole day , really? Just can't remember anything like that and looking again at my footage all i've seen "non doodahs" being passed ... Now minis , yes they were just a tad agressive but you could take a challange let them passed you and chase them down , thats what i did and we had a good fun...
You need to remember that yours and our cars are different powers and weights , some will be faster on straight sections some on corners . I always had my indicator on a cool down lap and would have one if i saw something going faster than me ... have a look yourself gents and happy new year from a doodah in a not so very chaved up but healthy tuned subaru impreza . TA
P.S. beemer driver OMFG , what an attitude to most of us
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:19 AM
No it wasnt, it was because some people were driving like cocks. Two people went in the gravel on the warm up laps, that wasnt because of the amount of cars out there, thats because they were driving like bell endsthe day was messy but thats cause amount of the cars as was mentioned before.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:29 AM
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:35 AM
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:43 AM
Second video at 7.18 you went to overtake when I was a passenger in Laurens car already doing an overtake. Wasnt what she expected in her mirrors.
And thats why i've waited and as soon as you went to the right i continued...
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:45 AM

Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:48 AM
Hello, welcome to the forum. Don't think I came across you on track so can't comment on your driving style but have to ask based on the comment above whether you realise that it was a track day and not a race day? Giving someone a 'run for their money' is not what track days are about. It should be to respect the other drivers (who may have little experience and a slower car) so that we all have a fun and safe day. On a busy track this kind of etiquette becomes much more important. On the day in question the etiquette was below standard at some points which made it frustrating and dangerous at times. This is what the comments reflect and not whether anyone was quicker/slower.The only VX220 that gave the green mini an actual run for its money was the full race specced one..
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:49 AM
And again at 10.42 try and overtake on the corner and complain when they try and use their line.
Their lines? i was half way there already , now as much as i agree with some of the comments asome of you need to man up!
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:53 AM
You do realise overtaking is by consent? Not who has manned up the most? If he had consented to let you passed he wouldnt of pulled across to the left.Their lines? i was half way there already , now as much as i agree with some of the comments asome of you need to man up!And again at 10.42 try and overtake on the corner and complain when they try and use their line.
Edited by Zoobeef, 30 December 2013 - 12:54 AM.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:57 AM
I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone and you approach to driving is definitely different to mine , no one's perfect and i might did push a bit to much but in general was aware of everything what was going on and tried to be a generous as possible...
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:59 AM
If you were halfway there that means you were halfway not there. Trackday etiquette usually stipulates that overtaking is on the straights and by consent, usually shown by pulling over to the far right and indicatingTheir lines? i was half way there already , now as much as i agree with some of the comments asome of you need to man up!And again at 10.42 try and overtake on the corner and complain when they try and use their line.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 01:07 AM
If you look at some other vids the mazda didnt like to indicate a lot in other situations too.. Anyway , we'll be just defending our positions now , an dyou shouldn't fire at me as i wasn't the trouble maker there ... We have some footage of you lot holding us for some time , so it's 50/50 in all occasions... nevermind stuff happens...
Posted 30 December 2013 - 01:16 AM
Posted 30 December 2013 - 06:27 AM
Thanks for the Kind word Captain , there was no intension for me to make an uncomfortable situation to anyone, and all was judged accordingly before doing . Some of my passes might look agressive , but believe me or not i would not do it if there was any doubt in it....
Posted 30 December 2013 - 10:29 AM
If you look at some other vids the mazda didnt like to indicate a lot in other situations too.. Anyway , we'll be just defending our positions now , an dyou shouldn't fire at me as i wasn't the trouble maker there ... We have some footage of you lot holding us for some time , so it's 50/50 in all occasions... nevermind stuff happens...
post up the rest of it if you have more
I found the CSL seemed erratic and was glad to just get past
Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:24 PM
I'd like to see the footage from the mini after the 'interesting' comments from the driver above!
Thought I'd share my experience of the race MX5 who didn't know where the indicator was:-
Posted 30 December 2013 - 01:48 PM
I can only assume Ditchy wasnt the in the mini I was referring to as the other was driven well.
Myself and others including the chief instructor witnessed the driving standard displayed by the mini I meant and agreed with me on my opinion as did others drivers on the day.
I didnt confront the driver its not what your meant to do, they tell you that in the briefing along with all the other information about it not being a raceday etc etc.
In 10 years of trackdays it was only the 2nd time I have fealt the need to complain about a driver, its not something I like doing and when I did it, made it very clear that I was more than happy to speak to the driver directly.
Martin S
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