A bit of an update on progress so far....
I'm now quite comfortable in the car and getting in and out is no problem now that I've got the hang of it.
I had a test day with the Hans device for the first time and to be honest I was expecting a lot worse. The newer tethers do allow a half decent look left and right, although needless to say vision is not as good as without it.
Malcolm at MSAR recommended getting in the car each time without the helmet on and then clipping the helmet to the Hans once all the belts are done up and seated correctly, which is a good method. Getting in the car with everything on makes getting strapped in pretty difficult as all you can see is straight forward and you have to feel around from memory. If a strap is twisted or something it can take a while to sort it all out.

I've done a bit of winter testing on a few trackdays at Brands and Donington for me to get used to the car and also playing around with the set up. I'm starting to understand how best to pick out a decent line in the wet and I've got a wet setup that I'm pretty happy with. I've still not managed to drive in a dry session but hopefully that should be easier to pick up than driving in slippery conditions.
I had some tuition from Ben Elliott which was great especially as we used an intercom which mean't I could actually hear what he was saying! On the odd occasion when I've taken the 20 min instruction on a trackday I can hardly hear what they're saying.
I also squeezed in a Walshy day with the car which helped enormously.
I had some exhaust issues, so I replaced the rear section with the requisite part provided for free by Klarius (one of the Championship sponsors) 
It was pretty straight forward and solved the rattling issues.

The close quarters driving at the last test day at Donington cost me a broken headlight and cracked windscreen. The new windscreen was fitted last weekend and ebay has provided the answer to the headlight which will go in this weekend.

The new championship stickers arrived in the post so the old ones came off and the new ones went on

All stickered up she's ready for the first race! - (apart from the headlight lens).

I have a race technology data logger and display on order, so once that's fitted I'll be able to get some technical feedback pretty soon which will hopefully point out where I'm losing all that time.
The season opener is 1 week on Sunday, but since I've never raced before I'm going to enter the Roadsports endurance race on the Saturday before just to get the feel for a proper competition - so a pretty busy first weekend.
The Sunday raceday will consist of a practice, qualifying and then the two races which will be televised.
If anyone's interested to see what a mess I make of it you can watch Partridge and me on Motors TV online or on Sky.