I have caused minor damage to the front of my car a need to repair it. My long term plan is to buy a Jonnyboy clam and have a good quality full respray, but for now I just want to make it a bit more apealling on the eye without spending too much (the gaffer tape look is rubbish). I'm not wanting to spend loads of cash on the body work until I've got the track day bug out of my system. The damage is limited to the upper portion of the right side of the front clam and is beyond repair. I have a cunning plan to patch in part of another clam. All I need is a clam that is intact enough to do the job.
The section I need is what you would class as the front right wing on a conventional metal bodied car. The left side, bonnet and lower part of the front clam are all perfectly ok. So, if you have an old smashed clam lying around that has enough left of it for me to patch mine up let me know.