Project 'cash In The Attic' - Sc Conversion
Posted 25 October 2015 - 10:49 PM

Posted 25 October 2015 - 10:58 PM
Vocky + chains = well worth it
This is not that type of forum buddy
Posted 25 October 2015 - 11:03 PM
This is not that type of forum buddyVocky + chains = well worth it

Posted 26 October 2015 - 09:27 AM
Posted 26 October 2015 - 08:28 PM
- Handling:
Sort out the understeer that the 1" ARB has introduced:- Stiffer springs and maybe some EP steering arms should start to move it in the right direction.
I had bad understeer at the national I put the ep steering arms on went from 1deg to 2deg front camber and took it back to Snetterton today, it is way better now.
my car rover elise s2
1" arb
gaz mono 475f/650r
camber 2 deg front 3 deg rear
castor 4.2 deg
Posted 26 October 2015 - 09:01 PM
Discs are pretty cheap anyway, but you can always swap front / rear if you CBA to see if that makes any difference to the judder..
Posted 26 October 2015 - 09:20 PM
Mine were fine before I changed the discs. I went for brembo discs and the braking is strong but the judder is pretty horrible. Hopefully it's just discs. What discs are you running?Captain I've also suffered very badly with vibration since putting the RS14 on my car Which has deffo got worse and worse going to put new discs on the car this winter I did wonder if it was because there the same discs with different make of pads Did you change your discs when you put the RS 14 on ??
Posted 26 October 2015 - 09:22 PM
Good to hear. I think my issue is also caused by springs that are too soft for the arb (350/450). Any video from your car before and after the steering arms?I had bad understeer at the national I put the ep steering arms on went from 1deg to 2deg front camber and took it back to Snetterton today, it is way better now. my car rover elise s2 1" arb gaz mono 475f/650r camber 2 deg front 3 deg rear castor 4.2 deg- Handling: Sort out the understeer that the 1" ARB has introduced:- Stiffer springs and maybe some EP steering arms should start to move it in the right direction.
Posted 26 October 2015 - 09:29 PM
Posted 29 November 2015 - 09:38 PM
So some shiny bits added to the car today:
- New drive belt pulley after the last one stopped tensioning after only 12 months (cheap eBay job - replaced with OE quality) and new belt while I was there.
- But more exciting is the new discs (sorry about the blurry picture - it was cold..). Hopefully this will help with the rumbling brake pedal..
And just to add a picture of my efforts to force the air through the rad rather than round it - seems to be working well:
Posted 31 January 2016 - 12:06 AM
The battery died over Christmas as I didn't drive it for 3 weeks but after fitting a new battery the alternator was dead (possibly why the battery was knackered).
Managed to find a seller on eBay who promised he would send me a 100amp alternator and then panicked when a refurbished unit turned up without any markings indicating that it was the right part.
Fitted it today and it's perfect. Very pleased I manged to find a refurbished unit although it took much longer to fit than I expected. The supercharger is completely in the way so getting the bolts out and then actually removing it from the engine bay was a pain.
After removing the aux belt and tensioner 3 times in the last few months I hope I don't have to touch it for a while now!
It was good to drive it for the first time in a month rather than just look at it!

Posted 31 January 2016 - 12:50 AM
Posted 31 January 2016 - 08:59 AM
Nothing planned yet although I'll do my best to be at the national. Once the family holiday is booked I'll get a few dates in. Only did 3 days last year so I'll try and get a few more in this time. I hope your back allows you on track this year.Glad it all fitted Kev, really hope to see you on track this year. What days you got planned?
Edited by Captain Vimes, 31 January 2016 - 09:03 AM.
Posted 21 February 2016 - 11:31 PM
I had a couple of hours spare today so decided to hook up my new windows tablet to OBD tuner and go one step beyond the very basic fuel learn...
Started with an ignition and knock measurement. Not sure what this achieved apart from me driving everywhere in 2nd gear at 5k+ rpm trying to get the engine light to turn off at every conceivable load. Looks like I have no knock anywhere. When I processed the output it told me no changes had been made.
Then I tried another +1.77 but it didn't seem to make much difference and there was some knock starting to show on some of the runs (although not consistently or very high).
End result is that I left it at +1.77.
For the OBD experts; is there anything else I should do or is that it for now? I don't want to stress the engine (hence the relatively low rev limit) but if there's anything obvious I can do, happy to give it a try...
Posted 22 February 2016 - 08:10 AM
Posted 22 February 2016 - 08:11 AM
Posted 22 February 2016 - 08:40 AM
Posted 22 February 2016 - 12:39 PM

Will do.Reduce the ignition at the top end and see if it makes any difference
Probably by half of what you put in
Are you measuring the knock on the power runs ??
At the bottom of the page purple line
Yes. There's some noise below 3k rpm but it seems different every run so not sure if it's anything to worry about. There's nothing at all at high rpm. I'll post a graph later.
I spotted that too but when I look back to previous runs when I had the limiter at 7k the torque was fine to 6.8k and then dropped so I assumed it was some kind of soft limiter or a measurement issue as i was hitting the limiter pretty hard.The other thing I would be looking at is why your power is dropping of at 6400-6500 and not the Rev limit of 6800 by looks of it

I'm not too worried about it as I rarely rev above 6.5k anyway as I don't want to stress the engine and that last few hundred rpm doesn't make much difference even on track.
Posted 22 February 2016 - 12:43 PM
Posted 22 February 2016 - 12:44 PM
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