Tried to measure front bumpsteer. Started with the rear to prove the method against the known Lotus bumpsteer curve and got results more or less as expected. Front is more difficult, as you don't want the rack to move. Made a steering rack immobilizer and put a level on the steering wheel for good measure. Quite sure that it didn't move while taking measurements. But I get this:
front bumpsteer curve, measured.jpg 30.31KB
This is about 8 times more than I expected. For comparison the results for the rear,
rear bumpsteer curve.jpg 24.2KB
Method was using a laser pointer fixed to the hub. Bounce the laser off a mirror so that you automatically compensate for in-out movement of the hub and only measure rotation. With the mirror at 3 m, you get a total path of 6 m, which means you have a gain of 12 (my rims measure about 50 cm). I'm quite sure the steering wheel didn't move while measuring, I checked this for every measurement taken. I also measured both going up and down and 3 times in total and get the same results (within measurement error).
What am I doing wrong? I expected something like the rear or even a bit less toe change. What I measure is massive however and I have a hard time believing it's right.
Rack is already in the upper position btw. Set up: