As Arno mentioned the large selection of raiser plates that were available, I did some modelling of the changes in bumpsteer curve with vertical movement of the steering rack.

The offsets on the steering arm side are as measured and it's assumed that in the horizontal direction the steering rack pivot coincides with the pivot of the swing arm. Beware that y=0 here is upper swing arm horizontal. The different curves represent different vertical offsets, eg. -10 means steering rack 10mm lower than pivot point of swing arm. In the calculations I can move the steering arm in any position and a vertical offset at the rack is the same as a vertical offset at the steering arm. Too bad you can't move the rack up a bit more.
The swing arm length in the calculations is 230 mm. Not sure what that is in reality. I don't think it's far off. It made at least some sense to offer a range of raiser plates, but for most people it's just too much. So Marketing decided to only offer two, but compensated by offering them in different colours 
Edited by techieboy, 31 January 2014 - 02:22 PM.
Fixed image embed