Yesterday I went over to see MartinS and fit a kit to Laurens freshly painted black VX. What a mean car that is to follow with the new wing it looks very intimidating ! Nice day , was great to meet you both 
The install went well and I'm sure Martin/Lauren will chime in if they are happy ( or not ! ) with the kit. With lots of talking and having a nose around each others cars it was still all done with in about 2 hours.
A few tips and basic install guide.
I used some stickers on to label which piece is which, this can leave a sticky residue, it will come off, use something like WD40 on it after the install has dried and it will clear up the sticky bits ( if any ) left over.
Pre requisites
Squeegee/debit card
Soft thin cloth
Spray bottle ( water with a few drops of hand soap, mixed well )
Hair dryer
Soft dry cloth
Near enough every part goes on with the same instructions, it's a pretty basic process and the material is very flexible and forgiving, if it creases, gets stretched, twisted, scratched etc a bit of heat from a hair dryer and it will stretch back to it's original shape and finish very easily.
Step 1: Clean the car thoroughly. Any dirt or grit will be stuck there under the film so make sure it's clean. A clay bar if available is the best way
Step 2: Spray as much of the solution onto the panel as you like. Make sure it's fully covered, dripping is preferable. The soap in the solution will give you more time as it takes longer to dry out and allows the material to slide around easily.
Step 3 : Place the material over the panel, hold it firmly in place
Step 4: Gently start to use your squeegee/debit card wrapped in thin cloth to squeeze the solution out. Always making sure the film is in the correct place, the more liquid squeezed out the less the material will slide around, it will get to a point where it will stop sliding. If this happens and it's in the wrong place, gently peel it back and spray more solution over the sticky side and start this step from the beginning. If you find that there are pieces that won't go down, use a hair dryer to dry up some of the moisture and keep depressing with the squeegee. You may also find the material pinch up, again use the hair dryer. The material is very flexible under heat and will be easy to manage in these situations.
Step 5: When all the solution is out, use a dry cloth to wipe away any moisture from the top of the material, this will help you see if there's any bubbles or streaks of water still underneath.
Step 6: Leave to dry out or use a hair dryer ( on a low heat ) to just go round the edges and make sure they are fully dried.
Step 7: Find the next panel and repeat the steps.
If at the end you see some streaks in the material and you can't get rid of them, these should disappear as it dries out naturally.