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Posted 14 November 2004 - 09:29 AM
Posted 17 November 2004 - 08:20 AM
Is that at lake louise?
Me trying to get out of wait deep snow.....
I have some excellent helmet heair ones to follow.
Wonder how you fit a snowbard in a VX?
Posted 17 November 2004 - 08:24 AM

Posted 17 November 2004 - 08:27 AM

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Posted 17 November 2004 - 11:25 AM
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Posted 17 November 2004 - 12:32 PM
It is as wellStevevx2220
At a quick glance I thought Alan Partridge was your teacher

Posted 17 November 2004 - 01:42 PM
Close, its at Big White. Great snow. Almost as little to do in the evening as Lake Lou!Is that at lake louise?
Me trying to get out of wait deep snow.....
I have some excellent helmet heair ones to follow.
Wonder how you fit a snowbard in a VX?
Posted 17 November 2004 - 01:44 PM
Turning into 'guess the place':me in the fresh air.. smoking :-( .. another bad hair day :-) lol..
Looks european, I'd say France, Trois Valley?
Posted 17 November 2004 - 06:58 PM
Posted 17 November 2004 - 07:35 PM
At a quick glance I thought Alan Partridge was your teacher

Posted 17 November 2004 - 07:56 PM
Nah - can't be France. There's no drunken frenchman pushing him out of the way and scraping across the backs of his skis...Turning into 'guess the place':me in the fresh air.. smoking :-( .. another bad hair day :-) lol..
Looks european, I'd say France, Trois Valley?

Posted 17 November 2004 - 08:54 PM
Posted 18 November 2004 - 08:39 AM
Sorry, didnt mean to be insensitive. Hope it clears up soon (I beleive you can get cream for that)Cervinia.

Posted 21 November 2004 - 11:11 PM
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Posted 22 November 2004 - 10:52 AM
When we met before the Welsh meet I couldn't believe you got out of the car with a fag in your mouth...he smokes in his VX!!!!!!!me in the fresh air.. smoking :-(

Posted 22 November 2004 - 02:09 PM

Word on the street at the time was i had a serious case of piles and couldnt stop playing with my arse.....thankfully sitting in the vx for long periods of time has left the area so numb i couldnt even tell if i had sat on boy george

Posted 22 November 2004 - 05:00 PM

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Edited by Smiler, 22 November 2004 - 05:01 PM.
Posted 22 November 2004 - 06:19 PM

Posted 23 November 2004 - 01:56 AM
Haha you tell me!(leaning back a bit there mate!!
That was my second day ever on skis, was a bet from a friend who skiied that i wouldnt be able to do it - not one to take lightly to a bet i took him up on the challenge....
Got meself a pair of freestyle line skis and 48 hours later this was the result, 2 foot of fresh and ledge dropping like a badger - funnily enough also in Deux Alps......
Any help on the technique greatly appreciated

Posted 23 November 2004 - 07:59 AM
That was my second day ever on skis, was a bet from a friend who skiied that i wouldnt be able to do it - not one to take lightly to a bet i took him up on the challenge....

might not be going this year

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