Matt, What dampers are fitted now?
Fit a 1" front Arb forget the R888's!
Quantum Blacks (or whatever the single way adjustable type is). 475lb/275lb front springs, 600lb/300lb rear springs. Running whatever random ride height I dialled in without letting them settle at each corner after fitting to remove the comically low ride height with the bare minimum of preload applied as supplied. No rake or possibly some reverse rake. And 16 clicks from full stiff on each as I couldn't and haven't been bothered enough to change them since I fitted them.
I've downgraded to a super squeaky skinny 1" ARB (middle hole) from my 1 3/4" blade ARB. Still running the rear ARB (yes, by all accounts, I should be part of the scenery as a result of the rear ARB).
R888's at the 29psi the tyre fitters put in the day before and not checked or adjusted once and not once did they feel like they were heading downhill let alone off a cliff, even on 25 minute sessions (it was definitely me that was melting in the afternoon sessions). Remember, I've been running R1R's for the last 4 years due to me not being arsed enough by trackdays to bother swapping wheels and the 4 years or so curing time in the garage attic has sorted the 888's out.
Geo? Something presumably no longer resembling whatever I had 4 years ago or whenever it was last set up.
Part mapped but far from optimised OBDTuner map, so maybe 275bhp if I'm lucky (and it didn't feel like it lost an ounce of that all day).
It was lovely on the road and on the track (though I may well need to check the exhaust again) with more traction than the quattro.
Does the car needing setting up properly? For sure. Will I get MB to weave his magic on it? Undoubtedly. But.....
What I did do was just take the day as I found it, instead of chasing absolute performance, ultimate lap times and worrying about what others were doing. As a result, it was like going back 5 or 6 years to a time when I actually enjoyed driving it on track, just for the sake of it. I even only bothered checking the oil once (and it was low - thanks Lee) all day. That was the key lesson for me; stop taking it so seriously and just enjoy it.