After a trackday this weekend, I have black residue in my coolant header tank..
A bit of background..
I started getting black residue in my coolant header tank, similar to this, some time ago. It started happening around the time my water pump begun to leak. Whether or not that was coincidence I am not sure.
When the water pump leak was found it was right before last years national, and so some coolant sealer additive was put in. This cured the leak in order to do the national. After that I did the following done:
1. Water pump replaced
2. Head gasket sniffer test done - results OK
3. Oil cooler replaced (with a second hand one)
4. Tried my best to flush the coolant system out.
After the above I got a small amount of residue back. Took header tank off and cleaned it out. Since then, with just road driving it all remained clean and fine. Until this weekend I did a trackday and the residue is back (pic above).
Any ideas folks on what to look at next or any idea what this could be. Is it oil? The oil is clean (always has been) and the car uses no coolant. It also uses hardly any oil even on track.
Its a stage 2 SC.
I've been though this once before and thought it had stopped but its taken the first trackday of this year for it to happen again.