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Daryl's Plastic Box Of Joy

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#1 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:21 AM

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Well after owning the car since the end of March, I thought id start a rebuild/project thread. Had a few trials and tribulations since owning EO03 RVL, but I bought it knowing it was a constant project, and wanted something that would keep me busy, and its certainly done that.[/color][/font]

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Bought the car from Peteslag, after what can be described as a stressfull few days, with my best man having his son 7 weeks early, and the day that I was meant to be going to see Cocopops, and Pete's car, and painting my dining room in my house, my first painting experience. Well, weather and babies meant that seeing Lee's car was not possible, but while my best mate was having a nap, I shot up to RAF Cosford to see Pete's Silver SC2.2. He was very good with me, as this was the first VX id actually been to look at, so had alot of newb questions and he took me out in it. Was very impressed with the power delivery, as well as the handling and ride down some pretty shocking roads. [/color][/font]

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]After getting home, and making sure my mate was ok, as he had left by the time I returned, the wife appeared, and I obviously was convincing enough to her, that I need 2 cars with only 2 seats, (Other car is a 350Z), I called Pete, and the deal was done. Picking the car up a week later was easy, as we were driving past his place on the way to a long weekend in Shrewsbury with some friends. Pete was also kind enough to try to get an MOT on it, which it failed, but only on rear tyres, so we readjusted the deal to compensate for that, and I ordered a set of 595 RS-R's for it. [/color][/font]

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]A week after picking the car up, id organised to have all four tyres changed to the 595's, and get the car MOT'd, id also picked up a TB from Nick in Bedford, so he was my first .org member I met as a owner, and is a really nice guy. A day or so later, LeeVX was kind enough to offer to bleed my brakes for me with fresh fluid. Reason being, that although Pete had a couple of invoices for the car, there were alot of unanswered questions over things, so I thought id start as I mean to go on.  So after getting its MOT first thing, I set out to Lee's in Bedford, when its started to rain, first time out in the rain, and I had the roof off. Its ok I thought, as long as I travel at 30mph or more, i dont get too wet at all. Then the car coughed a few times, and then had no throttle input at all, and I pulled over to the side of the road, half a mile from Lee's house, rain was really lashing down now, so first port of call was to get the roof on, and I phoned Lee who was gracious enough to come have a look, and diagnosed it as a faulty MAP sensor, so he did a quick roadside fix to get me to his house, where after confirming his initial thoughts, announced that he actually did the SC on the car! Stroke of luck, as I had no evidence of when/where the conversion was done. Lee kindly had a MAP sensor that he had spare, so I bought that off him, and he kindly sorted my brakes, as well as adjusted the tyre pressures, which were way out from the garage firring the tyres, and sorted me out a EGR blaking plate, as mine had already been bypassed by him when he did the SC conversion, so that tidied up that. So the PBJ was obviously just a little nervous of going back to Lee's, but really had no need to be, he looked after her a treat, and did me a massive favour, as well as showing me his VX, which is just mega, what a piece of kit that is. [/color][/font]

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Fast forward to a few weeks later, and taking the wife to see a friends new house, and she drove it there, and I drove it home. On the way home, the speedo started to go crazy, then decided to die altogether, less than ideal. The next 6 weeks or so, (probably longer), were spent trying to fix the speedo at every available moment. I had replaced the wiring from the hub to the loom, replaced the connector for a new one, as well as replacing the hub. All did not work, replaced all the other hubs, in the vein hope that it would work again, no joy. After pestering Vocky for a while regarding suggestions, he came up with trying a different ABS brain. He happens to live 10 minutes from me, and round the corner from my best mate. On the way to Banbury to see some friends, we swapped it over, and its been perfect ever since! The cylinders in the ABS unit had some corrosion on them, like they had been wet or something, so im guessing that they were not functioning properly. Anyway, all fixed now. [/color][/font]

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Somewhere along the line, I picked up a set of JK composite seats with subframes, and fitted them. Though cant seem to get on with them, maybe its because im lanky, who knows. [/color][/font]

Edited by D-DAWG83, 06 October 2015 - 09:25 AM.

#2 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:22 AM


[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Declared the car SORN, as the tax was about to run out, and made a start on getting bits stripped off the car, in preparation for the winter rebuild/tidy up. A few weeks back, after a conversation with Nick B777, I ended up buying a set of Lotus Sports seats from him that he never fitted. Really chuffed with them, and set about finding a set of S1 Elise subframes ASAP. Found a set on ebay/SELOC, described as good condition, and ready to go. ([/color][/font][color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Insert picture[/color][/font][color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]) Can you see what my issue is? [/color][/font]

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]The outer sheer plate for mounting the seatbelt has been removed, (and poorly painted over). After several emails to the seller, (who was not happy at all), I got some money back, and I set about getting new brackets made. These hopefully will be ready shortly, so will just need to get one of them welded to the subframe (I cant remember which one) and I can get them fitted. Currently have 3 sets of seats in my garage! [/color][/font]

Edited by D-DAWG83, 06 October 2015 - 09:25 AM.

#3 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:22 AM


[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]This morning was fun, I managed to get the dash top off, though mangled the stereo cage in the process, but that’s not a big deal, as not intending to refit it anyway. Also spent some cash on some raiser plates for the steering column, new UJ’s for the rack, as well as a poly FWD engine mount, and some Duralac. Im sure more will be spent shortly, but this was a good start. [/color][/font]

#4 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:23 AM


[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]This morning was spent mostly trying to get the flaming starter button out the dash! My button is not a standard one, and although it did come apart, it was pretty mangled by the time it did come out. It always bugged me, as it never sat flush with the front of the dash, (though this has been recovered in Alcantara, so that probably does not help) Will be ordering a Savage one at some point, to go with an ABS and fan over ride switch. [/color][/font]

[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Also managed to get the column UJ’s etc out. Not a huge job, (Having stripped some bits helped anyway), and having the seats out certainly helped, so all ready for the new ones to go in, which should be arriving at work today. [/color][/font]

#5 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:24 AM


[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Well the UJ’s and other bits turned up yesterday, so set about getting the column in, which was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, just a little awkward to get it all lined, though I did put some grease on the areas to help it all slide together, and was pleased to find that it did get rid of the play in the steering.[/color][/font]

#6 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:24 AM


[color=#1a1a1a;][font="helveticaneue;"]Well working with a hangover after my polish mate came round with some of his strong beer, today I set about fitting the, riser plates for the steering rack. Was not as easy as I thought it would be , but found that if to totally remove both bolts, and rivet the new plate on, you can use a Phillips screw driver in the bolt holes to move the rack up so you can get one bolt in. It was that I struggled with the most. Did the passenger side first, as there was more room, and that took me nearly an hour, as was faffing around. The drivers side took me 15minutes to do, as id worked out the best way to do it. Already looking forward to driving it again, though will have to wait 6 months now, but atleast it gives me time to sort other bits out. Took the front bonnet off as well, and cant believe how much that weighs, though I cant seem to get the bolts out of the rad frame to get the bracket for it out.[/color][/font]

#7 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:27 AM

Il add pictures when I get a chance, had been keeping this going on my laptop, but thought it best to transfer it over now, and I can keep this updated, and can add photo's at some point

#8 smiley


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:39 AM

My head hurts from all that text. I want pictures.

#9 Nev


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 09:51 AM

My head hurts from all that text. I want pictures.


Yea more pics please, many of the forum members can't read yet !

Edited by Nev, 06 October 2015 - 09:52 AM.

#10 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 10:55 AM

Sorry, pictures will be added shortly, when i can get them together and upload them to Photo bucket. 

#11 D-DAWG83


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 06:58 PM

Forgot about to add that in August i replaced the front discs with genuine AP items, and the pads with CL5's, as well as replacing the seals for the front calipers, as they were toasted. Photo's as of now, and back dated, as i cant seem to edit the posts on my phone to add the photos where they should be. After its first Daryl clean. Posted Image
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Seals that were replaced
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New discs, replacing the bolts was a real nightmare.
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Seats fitted
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Put some tape over these areas
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Seat rails from an S1 Elise that were apparently ready to fit. Spot what is missing?
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Dash top off for new UJ's and riser plates
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Will need to remove this lot before fitting it back together
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#12 TazN


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Posted 07 October 2015 - 03:40 PM

Never mind, all working now!

Edited by TazN, 07 October 2015 - 03:40 PM.

#13 D-DAWG83


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Posted 07 October 2015 - 03:56 PM

Sort of,in the process of being stripped at the moment. Rear clam is next i think, so i can get to the oily bits easier.

#14 D-DAWG83


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 07:01 AM

Quite couple of days at work, so thought id make these.
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Edited by D-DAWG83, 10 October 2015 - 07:04 AM.

#15 D-DAWG83


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Posted 16 October 2015 - 04:41 PM

Matt Gray cane and helped me last night with removing the rear clam.Posted Image

So got some exciting times ahead with stripping parts off, and cleaning them up up.

Also got this from ECP's, so if your exhaust hanger/rubber fails, this does the job, and was 90p.
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#16 D-DAWG83


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Posted 19 October 2015 - 02:16 PM

Poking around this morning and realised id not mentioned i had to replace the passenger side driveshaft at the end of September, as I was getting a really bad vibration from that area, felt like something stuck on the tyre. So drove to Suffolk and met a kind member, who's name escapes me, and picked up a pair of low mileage drive shafts from him, also fitted a new driveshaft seal at the same time, just to makesure. When i replaced it, it was obvious what had happened. The boot had slipped off the shaft, and spun all the grease out of the joint. (And made a right mess of the surrounding area), this then led to the failure of the joint.

Anyway, some more pics from this mornings work and discovery session.
Foward engine mount cleaned up, and fitted with the poly insert.
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Not much holding the back box on, as the rear rubber was shot, and replaced, but also found the mount for the back box had come away, as well as the one for the area around the cat, not great news.
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Im tempted to wipe out my fuel tank budget and get a new exhaust, as the standard of the Miltek one is well below par!

Also removed the drivers side engine mount, ready for cleaning up and maybe painting, have not decided yet.

Edited by D-DAWG83, 19 October 2015 - 02:17 PM.

#17 D-DAWG83


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Posted 19 October 2015 - 10:31 PM

Blasted my drivers side mount and painted silver, though may do black, undecided yet.
Posted Image

#18 haggi961


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Posted 19 October 2015 - 11:42 PM

Looking good. Once you get started on cleaning and painting bits it's never ending 😀 Black FTW tho.

#19 D-DAWG83


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Posted 19 October 2015 - 11:49 PM

Looking good. Once you get started on cleaning and painting bits it's never ending 😀 Black FTW tho.


Im going to do the passenger one black tomorrow hopefully, and see what I think. Was not fussed about painting the FWD one, as that cleaned up a treat, but the side mounts need a blast to get them looking decent. Lets see what tomorrow brings, if it looks better in black, then il blast the drivers side again, and do it black.

#20 D-DAWG83


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 02:27 PM

All fitted, pretty happy, but will see what the black looks like before deciding on if it stays silver or not.
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