We got there mate and was a testament to your commitment to get it done... Car ran great and set-up felt good.. Looking fwd to the next one.. Plus you did a great job of keeping he DB's down past the sound meters

Daryl's Plastic Box Of Joy
Posted 08 April 2016 - 01:27 PM
Posted 08 April 2016 - 05:37 PM
Posted 11 April 2016 - 07:55 AM
Posted 11 April 2016 - 02:37 PM

Also noticed my sump was a little close to my undertray

Had a small puddel of coolant under the car after the track day, and found this today when having a poke around.

Appears to be coming from the pipe just under the breather outlet. Have not touched this pipe at all, so a little unsure why its started to leak, but il stick a jublee clip arounf it, and see if that fixes it. Currently got one of them spring clips on it.
Posted 11 April 2016 - 02:45 PM
That's the overfill pipe for the coolant. Effectively bleeds of coolant back to the header tank as the coolant pressure increases. nothing to worry about once you cable tie it.
The backbox mounts are available in both rubber and silicon, the latter has a greater heat resistance. I suspect there isn't a silicon version of that hanger because it's not used much.
Posted 11 April 2016 - 03:06 PM
Posted 11 April 2016 - 03:08 PM
Oh, The S is added as part of the supercharging process to avoid getting in the way of the supercharger snout. Check the join at the end of the S section. Might be that the aluminium join isn't the right diameter.
Posted 11 April 2016 - 05:19 PM
You could try getting some offcuts of alu sheet and make a little heat shield for that rubber - looking at it's position, whatever you chose to replace it with will likely melt again.
Posted 12 April 2016 - 07:25 AM
Also check for cracks in the exhaust pipe around the weld where the hanger is attached and also if the plug in the un-used bung is (gas-)tight.
Rubber doen't tend to char and break down like this unless it's exposed to a really high temperature for along time, but an exhaust gas jet from a (small) crack will do this in no-time flat.
If it were normal heat radiation from the pipes I'd expect it to develop a bit of a 'scaly' skin but not this about of damage to a relatively new mount.
Bye, Arno.
Posted 12 April 2016 - 02:50 PM
Found the cause of the coolant leak. A couple of jubilee clips at the end of that S section, one had gone a little rusty, and during running (to warm the oil up), i saw a little dribble coming from one of them. Iv tightened it up now, so hopefully that will do the job.

Posted 13 April 2016 - 10:19 PM
Posted 13 April 2016 - 11:18 PM
Had some shiny carbon shims made for the rear clam support
Those 'shims' are actually galvanic anodes which protect the subframe from corrosion. I'd consider dumping the carbon and putting them back.
Posted 14 April 2016 - 06:41 AM
Great project this, wonderful to see so many owners doing major overhauls and improvements these days.
Posted 14 April 2016 - 06:58 AM
Had some shiny carbon shims made for the rear clam support
Those 'shims' are actually galvanic anodes which protect the subframe from corrosion. I'd consider dumping the carbon and putting them back.
No they're not.
They're the same material as the chassis; galvanised steel. The galvanisation prevents corrosion, it doesn't require a sacrificial part as this approach doesn't work unless it's in an electrolite (such as submerged in sea water)
Posted 14 April 2016 - 09:05 AM
Posted 15 April 2016 - 07:14 AM
Posted 15 April 2016 - 08:17 AM
Cant say thanks enough to Joe and Matty, for both physically helping, and putting up with my constant questions and worries
Anytime mate...
Posted 26 April 2016 - 12:12 AM
Well its been a good few weeks. Got to Bicester Heritage on Sunday, which was really good to go to. Car felt great after i went -2 clicks on all the dampers, though may go +1 on the rears, but il drve it some more before sorting that. Got a few bits and bobs to do now. I did a quick rattle can job of the turbo ears last week to see if id like the colour, which I do, so il be getting a few bits done in that colour. (Im not telling yet)
Roof is a little dodgy to fit also, so need to sort that out, and raise the windows a little to seal it all up. Turbo seals are a last resort, given it was water tight before i removed the roll bar cover.
Also need to see how I can get the seat belt buckles and harness loops fitted at the same time.
Posted 26 April 2016 - 10:30 PM
Posted 22 June 2016 - 04:19 PM
Well the car had its MOT last week, and passed no major issues. Bought some new number plates for the car also, as the current ones are looking old and shabby. However, went to open the boot the other day, and the handle just moves freely, so looks like the cable has snapped. Iv got some new SC belts on order, so when they arrive, il get in there and have a poke around. Not going to get much free time the next couple of weeks, as on a training course away from home, and it is going to be a difficult one to pass. Other than that, the car is in great shape, and still enjoying driving it. Im going to go more more step with the ARB, and see what its like going stiffer, not a big job, so if its too hard, i can always change it back
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