
My boot cable did not appear to be attached to anything, so spent some time getting it open. Its easy when you know how. Got it all sorted pretty quickly in the end when i looked at what i actually needed to do, Which was a result.
Fitted a new AUX belt, as i had a really annoying squeak from the engine bay, and the old belt had seen better days. Fitted it on the inner tooth also, not the outer one. None of the new belt, but here is the old one

Had a split outer CV gator, so changed it for a driveshaft that i had spare, and when i was there fitted new CL5 pads, along with belled discs. 2kg a piece lighter than my worn standard discs, totally saving 4kg. Which is pretty decent i think.

Fitted some anti rattle pads for the front pads, so hopefully that will cure the rattly sound i get, sorry no photos of them either. Though as you only get 4, 2 for each caliper, i put a strip of gaffer tape on the other end to take up the rest of the slack in the pad. No idea how long it will last, but worth a go.
Finally fitted my new number plates also, front and back one looking worse for wear. Loads better now

New ones fitted

Just needs a good wash now, but that will have to wait