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Track Spring Rates

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#301 Scuffers


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Posted 23 November 2015 - 10:55 PM

Ride comfort has more to do with the dampers than springs to a point. 425/550 is not extreme

#302 Captain Vimes

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 11:01 PM

Sticking with your current dampers I would go for 650lb rears with 275 or 300lb helpers, and 500lb fronts with 200 or 250lb helpers (I will ask Nitron tomorrow what the lb limit is on street series)   Other option is a set of single way Quantums or the new 'NTR40 Clubsport' dampers I am developing with Nitron.   Actually going to be looking to test the dampers on a couple of cars very soon..............


if it was me, knowing how you drive, I would go with 500/650 (with 200/300 tenders) on Quantum single ways, along with a 1" ARB.   Longer term, springs are cheap, and if you progress, then it's cheap/easy enough to switch them out for stiffer later..

Seems like we have a winner in terms of target rates. I was hoping to stick with the NSS for now but the valving won't go that far (max is maybe 550lb-600lb). With helpers and collars the springs alone are close to £350 though which would be a fair way towards quantums/clubsport NTR. Hmmmm decisions... I might just go linear 425/550 for now as a stop gap

Edited by Captain Vimes, 23 November 2015 - 11:04 PM.

#303 Scuffers


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Posted 23 November 2015 - 11:11 PM

That's ok, but don't run too low with those kind of rates.

#304 Exmantaa


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Posted 23 November 2015 - 11:35 PM

425 / 550 needs at least helper (tender? the things with some lbs) springs on the rears.

And as the NSS fronts are a bit longer than NTRs, you probably need helpers there too. Assuming you don't want to ride that high...(Fit owering brackets up front)

#305 Captain Vimes

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Posted 24 November 2015 - 12:13 AM

I thought NSS and NTR40 bodies were the same and since the update, the open length is also set the same. Given that nitron supply the 40's with 450/550 linear springs I assume they're not needed.. I stand to be corrected though. http://www.nitron.co...17&prodID=73857 Presumably this will be ride height dependant. I run at 130/120.

#306 thejoaoserra



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Posted 19 December 2015 - 11:49 AM

I think the street series are a bit narrower than the ntr version. Found this that says the piston diameter in the street series is 38mm and on the ntr40 is 40mm http://www.lir-racin...eaux NITRON.pdf

#307 Aerodynamic


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Posted 22 December 2015 - 09:51 PM

That's ok, but don't run too low with those kind of rates.

Why? Whats low?

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