Joe, your car looks pretty sorted now & appears to handle really well, from what I saw in George's video footage, it rotates nicely & seems planted. Are you happy with your setup now?
Watching all the videos, it always seems that most VX's on track are driven hard, harder than most. Why is that? Does the average Lotus owner, not spend similar money & fettle their cars as much as VX owners do?
Max, i love the car, it goes seriously well (if i do say so myself) for a 240hp NA. i have a few more mods to do mainly to help keep it quiet, as i was lifting majorly on the last corner and start of pit straight as i didnt want to get kicked off for the day.
but yeah im loving the car and i think there is alot more potential i just need to improve more as a driver 
The back on track geo is awesome 
i thought i was holding chill and george up a fair bit but judging by that video i think it was doing alright!!

as for the vxs, i think its because we know each over and are competitive in our nature therefore we push harder than anyone else. what ive found is lotus drivers mainly have there head up there arses and wont move over.. but then maybe we are too pushy?!
Edited by The Batman, 18 August 2016 - 06:29 PM.