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The Referendum - In Or Out

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#1 Harry Hornet

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Posted 04 February 2016 - 12:23 PM

With, possibly, less than 6 months to go before the vote is put to the country


..how would you vote....Stay In  or Get Out


Personally, my biggest fear is we do a Greece, vote to get out but the politicians bottle it......


The Eu is supposedly "for the best for the economy"..imo.. The Bankers and those that run the country.


Do we as mere mortals get any true benefit, apart from borderless travel on the EU mainland??


Willing to listen and understand the nuts and bolts of other opinions..





#2 Mangham54



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Posted 04 February 2016 - 12:31 PM

:poke: LYSCOTT


To be honest I too am interested, but doubt there could ever be a definitive answer, or maybe a real result... So we will end up just as frustrated as the Scots




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Posted 04 February 2016 - 12:38 PM

I would like to no the conditions in full. If it's a one of vote and they are only going to suspend certain things and we are back where we are now in 4 years than it will be a out for me Population is going up taxs are going up and not enough services being added to cope with what we have But truth is that we won't be leaving if we do vote to get out

#4 Andrew aka Stuwy

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Posted 04 February 2016 - 02:22 PM

the vote will never happen.


or the public will be forced into voting to stay in by some kind of clause that will make it mega expensive for the UK to leave and we the public will have to pick up the bill

#5 Rosssco


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 02:28 PM

:poke: LYSCOTT


To be honest I too am interested, but doubt there could ever be a definitive answer, or maybe a real result... So we will end up just as frustrated as the minority of whinging, fantasist Scots


EFA ;)

#6 Ian59


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 03:39 PM

Auditors have not been able to sign off the EU accounts off for the last 20yrs or so because of the corruption and fraud within the organisation. How can we belong to such an organisation. A lot of the organisations who want to remain in, like the CBI (Confederation of British Business), receive monies from the EU. Last figure I saw was that they had been given around eight hundred thousand pounds.  A lot of people don't want the gravy train to end.   

#7 jonnyboy


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 03:47 PM

Better off in but no way the media brainwashed public will vote to stay in. The vote unfortunately will happen as it would be political suicide for them not to have it. 

If both the main two opposing parties with totally plar political opinions are both campaigning to stay in that kind of tells you what you need to know...

#8 christhegasman


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 03:51 PM


population way too big not enough schools hospitals etc

health service finished

pay more taxes than anyone else

give more away in benefits than any other EU country or why woould everyone want to migrate here?


whats there to stay in for ?

i would rather carry on paying the same in tax but spent it on what we need to spend it on

Edited by christhegasman, 04 February 2016 - 03:52 PM.

#9 Southstack



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Posted 04 February 2016 - 04:46 PM

I am for out, we cannot carry on taking in more people, as we just don't have the infrastructure, so we who pay end up with poor services and 3rd world roads. We cannot even deport anyone unless it takes years, so we need a complete rethink on what we want and how we want to live our lives.

#10 Stevie Dubyah

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Posted 04 February 2016 - 06:05 PM

With, possibly, less than 6 months to go before the vote is put to the country


..how would you vote....Stay In  or Get Out


Personally, my biggest fear is we do a Greece, vote to get out but the politicians bottle it......


The Eu is supposedly "for the best for the economy"..imo.. The Bankers and those that run the country.


Do we as mere mortals get any true benefit, apart from borderless travel on the EU mainland??


Willing to listen and understand the nuts and bolts of other opinions..






Troll. :poke:





#11 christhegasman


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 06:13 PM

I am for out, we cannot carry on taking in more people, as we just don't have the infrastructure, so we who pay end up with poor services and 3rd world roads. We cannot even deport anyone unless it takes years, so we need a complete rethink on what we want and how we want to live our lives.


#12 Captain Vimes

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Posted 04 February 2016 - 06:44 PM

Out and not because of the immigration argument. The mindset and principles of the British is different to those in France, Germany, Spain and across Europe when it comes to the future direction of the EU. We're pulling in different directions in terms of repatriating powers vs devolving further to central control. We don't have the influence to carve out the position we want as part of the EU and are being ignored/laughed at by our neighbours. We'll be able to position ourselves to succeed better outside of the EU than in. Plus the lack of auditing and accountability on finances that the EU seems to be happy with.

#13 Sammy


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 06:50 PM

Economically, I'm convinced we are better in at the moment then out.


Politically, I'd rather be out.


In terms of immigration, we can support the current numbers in terms of jobs, and there are many jobs where we need to import low skilled labour. However we hugely hinder those outside of the EU coming here to work and this annoys me, especially when we send back those who had a learning visa and want to stay to work.


I don't like the sound of having borders with Russia and the middle east. https://en.wikipedia..._European_Union


Voting in is sending a green light to be part of a United States of Europe when it happens


Voting out doesn't guarantee us leaving (or even the end of free movement like Norway)


Cameron's "fundamental treaty change" is just a big distraction and was barely worth writing home about.


We are never going to get another chance to vote out, if we vote in this time.



The real question for out is, how much GDP are we willing to sacrifice to distance ourselves from the EU? It looks like a minimum of 2% but may be as much as 10% (2008 financial crisis again, before we have even recovered from the last one). If the latter looks likely then I expect the government would not continue with pulling out.




But truth is that we won't be leaving if we do vote to get out


I always looked at this as an argument for voting out this time.




#14 oblomov



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Posted 04 February 2016 - 07:43 PM

It'll be a fudge, after all those organising it have not only a vested interest in staying in but are also liars.  It's inevitable that we'll stay in


Cameron, when asked about cuts to funding for flood defences said it wasn't true, the Conservatives had increased spending.  He lied.

Then they released a map showing all the 'new' flood defences, except it showed planned defences that had been scrapped and new defences not built but just as likely to be scrapped when the furore died down.  A PR lie.

Cameron and Osbourne said the tax settlement with Google (3 or 4% after ten years of negotiation) was a 'great success'.  Everyone else in the country hailed it as an abysmal failure.  They lied.

Cameron has just come back from negotiations to 're-negotiate' our membership of the EU and hailed it as a 'success'.  It's not, it's a fudge, a failure and the devil is in the detail.  More lies.


There are some good points for staying in the EU, but there's not much point because the UK keeps vetoing them.

China has been targeting European steel making by selling us cheap steel to make our industries uncompetitive (selling it at 25% more to Canada for example).  The EU wanted to introduce measures to protect the steel industries.  Uk voted against it.

The UK tax payer is footing the bill for the excesses and malpractices of the banking industry.  Proposed changes to the system recommended in this country have been watered down to the point of being useless.  The EU wants to bring in badly needed regulations to curb banking malpractices, but the UK has voted against it.

The EU wants to bring in laws to prevent giant multi nationals like Google, Vodaphone (owes the UK 6 billion in taxes) and others from manipulating the sytem with tax avoidance schemes.  The UK votes against it.

UK shell companies that don't have to produce accounts, identify directors or fill in tax returns are the money instrument of almost all the money laundering in the world.  The government knows but won't change it.


Against, well, probably the biggest thing at the moment is the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the USA.  This is being negotiated secretly by unelected EU beureacrats (democracy at work).  Allegedly about free trade but will in fact allow domination of the market by large corporations and will destroy the NHS.


There's a lot of hype abput how bad it would be for the UK if we left the EU but that's all it is, hype.


The real question is what's the best for Joe public.  What's best 'economically' is seldom what's best for Joe public the ordinary man in the street, not the bankers and multi nationals in London, and the answer must be 'out'.

#15 slindborg


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 08:02 PM

If we get out we can then pick the most suitable emissions swizzle for our cars etc. Also if we get out, the jocks will fcuk off and stop moaning about evil opressive London, but get to moan about evil oppressive Brussels :lol:

#16 Raptor


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 08:31 PM

Out until we can fully agree to abide by the rules of the club. Madness otherwise and we should stop wasting everyone's time.

#17 phippsy


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 08:54 PM

I'll be voting to leave the most corrupt and undemocratic institution this continent has ever seen.

Surely we're a big enough country that we can make decisions for ourselves without being dictated to by Brussels and that fascist Merkel.


Not sure if anyone else realises that the president of the European Union has a salary greater than the President of the United States and he isn't even elected, we can't even vote him out of his post!!

As far as I can see there is little benefit considering the vast sums of money we pay in to remain a member of this club. Freedom of movement was fine when it was a handful of developed Western European nations but its now been offered up to half of Eastern Europe and now Turkey which for the most part isn't even part of Europe.


The scariest bit is when the European army comes into being and starts squaring up with Russia.


But my main question is why do we require political union in order to facilitate a union of trade? It doesn't happen any were else in the world so why in Europe?




No doubt the bias mainstream media will pump absolute millions into scaremongering the people into voting to stay in. Sadly   

#18 the outsider

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Posted 04 February 2016 - 09:20 PM

Out out out, Europe has cost us a fortune over the last 100 years, with treaty after treaty pulling us into wars that dont have anything to do with us until they try to come over here, its everything really, the payments we make, the rules, immigration, not being in charge of our own country, most taxes in Europe, do you know its funny how they stick to some rules and then others like working hours over 40 a week, we just sign a bit of paper to say we want to do it and the rules go out of the window, We get dragged into everything, time to start looking after ourselves and our services, we have alot to learn from Australia

#19 JG



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Posted 04 February 2016 - 09:34 PM

In - even if no treaty change. 

#20 ianrm


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 09:37 PM

I have not got a clue. I have no interest in politics and can only tell you the Cameron is the PM and Boris is a Mayor (I think)


I would vote to stay in and and have the Euro as our currency. That would make me better off as I go to Europe for a month every year.

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