The Referendum - In Or Out
Posted 31 May 2016 - 09:00 PM
Posted 01 June 2016 - 11:58 AM
We should probably vote to stay in.
But we should use our veto on every bit of legislation that the EU tries to propose or ratify, no matter whether the individual issue is good for the UK or not and we should carry on until real reforms on just how the EU is run, it's inherent waste and where the limits of power over nation states should lie are on the table. Every country seems to agree it needs reforming and limiting but as it currently stands, the EU institutions are unreformable - the system just won't allow it. It has an unstoppable momentum all of it's own, that still seems hell-bent on heading towards a homogeneous federalised one-size-fits-all United States of Europe, despite the warning signs of the Euro/Greece fiasco and near stagnant growth in the Eurozone.
Maybe a public hanging in Brussels or Strasbourg (whichever one it is this week) for Juncker, just for being an supercilious, intransigent cnut, if nothing else.
And lest we forget, a dawn execution of Gordon Brown at the Tower of London for treason in signing the Lisbon treaty might be worthwhile. Oh and Blair for agreeing to it and then baling out to the lucrative lecture circuit before having to sign it.
P.S. Fcuk the French and their working week (I'm sure the French government will cave in to demands shortly). Soon they'll be on strike if they have to get out of bed or leave the pavement cafe every morning.
Still 100% undecided.
I pretty much agree with all of this. Top post sir.
Posted 01 June 2016 - 04:59 PM
Our single veto counts for sweet f.a. though. We just get outvoted on legislation we don't like.
We cannot rely on other countries to show solidarity and vote with us and thats the only way this could work and bring true reform.
We need to look after our own interest and cut our losses from a juggernaught that has shown over the past 30yrs that it cannot change direction.
Posted 01 June 2016 - 06:07 PM
Edited by PaulCP, 01 June 2016 - 06:09 PM.
Posted 01 June 2016 - 06:53 PM
Its starting to hot up..
1. If you feel British not European..then = Out
2. If it was not a referendum to stay in/out but the first vote wether you wanted in/out would your decision be different
3. Do you really think by staying in thngs will change, politcians dont think for you and me, they think for themselves and the banker capitalist world
4. Would you rather your parents gave your pocket money to another kid that "asked / deserved " it, but you know all they did was smoke and buy drinks
5. We arnt in the Euro zone..we should be to show we are European. If Greece or any other "poor" EU country had their own currency the flood gates would open to leave. The Germans/EU bailed out Greece and they continue to do so cos it makes sense for them to do as most high expensive car/white goods products come from there
6. WTF ..why should every country be told to import at least 20% of their foodstuffs even if they are self resilient
7. and the most important..by staying in.you think it.stops wars....Germany, Austria to name but 2 have a large undercurrent of anti establishment....it wont be long before the riots start....not only in towns but across borders..the Russians must be laughing at us..why do you think they got involved verses ISIS....
8. Vote in if you really think the Ryan airs and Sleazyjets will be stopped flying..or youll be stopped for hours crossing over borders...bollocks..
If you are happy that the UK will change over the next 20 years and not be recognised as it is now or have its own identity then vote in
The UK has a huge moat.....lets use it ...the EU needs us more than we need them..for the undecided..go on do something that makes sense.....
Posted 01 June 2016 - 07:29 PM
Long video but presents the hard facts about how the UK will become unrecognisable if we allow uncontrolled immigration to continue
Posted 01 June 2016 - 07:41 PM
Its starting to hot up..
1. If you feel British not European..then = Out
2. If it was not a referendum to stay in/out but the first vote wether you wanted in/out would your decision be different
3. Do you really think by staying in thngs will change, politcians dont think for you and me, they think for themselves and the banker capitalist world
4. Would you rather your parents gave your pocket money to another kid that "asked / deserved " it, but you know all they did was smoke and buy drinks
5. We arnt in the Euro zone..we should be to show we are European. If Greece or any other "poor" EU country had their own currency the flood gates would open to leave. The Germans/EU bailed out Greece and they continue to do so cos it makes sense for them to do as most high expensive car/white goods products come from there
6. WTF ..why should every country be told to import at least 20% of their foodstuffs even if they are self resilient
7. and the most important..by staying in.you think it.stops wars....Germany, Austria to name but 2 have a large undercurrent of anti establishment....it wont be long before the riots start....not only in towns but across borders..the Russians must be laughing at us..why do you think they got involved verses ISIS....
8. Vote in if you really think the Ryan airs and Sleazyjets will be stopped flying..or youll be stopped for hours crossing over borders...bollocks..
If you are happy that the UK will change over the next 20 years and not be recognised as it is now or have its own identity then vote in
The UK has a huge moat.....lets use it ...the EU needs us more than we need them..for the undecided..go on do something that makes sense.....
Edited by Ian59, 01 June 2016 - 07:42 PM.
Posted 01 June 2016 - 08:16 PM
Posted 01 June 2016 - 08:16 PM
Very true Ian 👍Its starting to hot up.. 1. If you feel British not European..then = Out 2. If it was not a referendum to stay in/out but the first vote wether you wanted in/out would your decision be different 3. Do you really think by staying in thngs will change, politcians dont think for you and me, they think for themselves and the banker capitalist world 4. Would you rather your parents gave your pocket money to another kid that "asked / deserved " it, but you know all they did was smoke and buy drinks 5. We arnt in the Euro zone..we should be to show we are European. If Greece or any other "poor" EU country had their own currency the flood gates would open to leave. The Germans/EU bailed out Greece and they continue to do so cos it makes sense for them to do as most high expensive car/white goods products come from there 6. WTF ..why should every country be told to import at least 20% of their foodstuffs even if they are self resilient 7. and the most important..by staying in.you think it.stops wars....Germany, Austria to name but 2 have a large undercurrent of anti establishment....it wont be long before the riots start....not only in towns but across borders..the Russians must be laughing at us..why do you think they got involved verses ISIS.... 8. Vote in if you really think the Ryan airs and Sleazyjets will be stopped flying..or youll be stopped for hours crossing over borders...bollocks.. If you are happy that the UK will change over the next 20 years and not be recognised as it is now or have its own identity then vote in The UK has a huge moat.....lets use it ...the EU needs us more than we need them..for the undecided..go on do something that makes sense..... HH...
Posted 01 June 2016 - 08:24 PM
But would the nhs etc be better if w were not financially propping up lazy scumbag countries ? Don't know your age but you will probably die before you ever see your state pension as that gets further away as we prop up the lazy fuckers who are allowed to retire early in the rest of Europe Vote in if you can afford to buy your kids a house or maybe a tent as they will have no chance of a job or a house in the Eu future Vote in if you believe Cameron has negotiated a better deal that won't be changed by the end of the month if we stay in Vote out if you think the Uk is a strong enough country populated by people who can and will make a better life given the chance. Remember our grandparents didn't fcuk off and hide in another country when hitler bombed the fcuk out of us They fought and rebuilt a free country with our own laws which we will never have again if we stay in 😡I have know idea if it would be better or worse if we leave but the simple thing for me is "how is my life now" , and I have to say it's pretty good, yes we give a lot of money to the EU but then it's a drop in the ocean compared to what the NHS and social care costs this country, and as for migration , we'll all I know is most of the dossers/scrounges /can't be arsed to work because my back hurts a bit types are uk born , so I'm not really worried about that either, so I think why do I want to rock the boat, yes the EU is corrupt but so is our government, so I think it'll have to be a stay in for me , one other thing is I don't think people over 60 should be allowed to vote as the decision won't effect them they've already made there money and are sat with a nice pention they made while we were part of the EU and now they all seem to want to leave, last bit a bit controversial I know but when I ask people about this it seems to be old leave, young stay in
Edited by christhegasman, 01 June 2016 - 08:28 PM.
Posted 01 June 2016 - 08:26 PM
one other thing is I don't think people over 60 should be allowed to vote as the decision won't effect them they've already made there money and are sat with a nice pention they made while we were part of the EU and now they all seem to want to leave, last bit a bit controversial I know but when I ask people about this it seems to be old leave, young stay in
oiiiiii...its nothing to being old or over 60..its called fecking experience ..young man...
..respect and at listen to your elders.......
..unlike alot of youngsters these days.......
HH ...wishing he had a nice pension (at least we can fecking spell!)
Posted 01 June 2016 - 09:12 PM
Posted 02 June 2016 - 06:28 AM
Edited by christhegasman, 02 June 2016 - 06:29 AM.
Posted 02 June 2016 - 07:24 AM
Posted 02 June 2016 - 08:18 AM
If the vote does not go your way, will you leave the uk/Eu?
Stuart..was this an open or direct question?
..Ive been planning to leave the UK for a number of years (just a couple of issues that keep us here), this would provide more reasons if UK remained in EU..
...but only as far Greece which has a great black economy..gets loads of money from the EU for the infrastructure and back handers...it .doesnt follow any of the rules put out from the EU whatsoever..only does lip service...
..only issues they have is indirect taxation to claw back some money on austerity measures..in truth nothing has changed for them over the last 5 years, except unemployment "figures" in the youth has rocketed...but "most" have a bed and have food..and a job where they dont pay any tax!
oh..and the weather is so much better ..what better reason..
Posted 02 June 2016 - 08:54 AM
Not really because that ignores all the transaction cost of leaving. You also have to factor in the risks of leaving vs remaining.A political commentator made the comment yesterday, that if the UK was not a member of the EU and was looking to join as a new member, would the British people vote to join it in its present state (with all of its fraud/corruption/Federalist agendas, and inability to deal with the migrant crisis). If the answer is No, then you have to vote to leave. I thought it was a fair comment.
Posted 02 June 2016 - 08:59 AM
Crikey you're right! We'd better make sure the 2.2 million expats in Europe get their arses back over here as well then eh? Fairs fair. Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLong video but presents the hard facts about how the UK will become unrecognisable if we allow uncontrolled immigration to continue
Posted 02 June 2016 - 09:32 AM
So is greater public spending the only crap EU law we ignore them 😀 Odd that we give them loads of cash to increase their public spending which we need to get back by reducing our public spendingNo. That's down to the UK government. Most of the EU has much higher public spending than the UK.
Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:10 AM
Crikey you're right! We'd better make sure the 2.2 million expats in Europe get their arses back over here as well then eh? Fairs fair.
and What makes you think the expats would be seen as foreigners after a OUT vote....the EU countries have loved our money before, they will love our money after...
..many countries that have recently joined the EU say in last 15 years never stopped UK immigrants...
..and its nothing to do with open borders..
..but total open borders especially with the plans to increase the number of EU countries makes the UK "public" commitment verging on a case of saturation..youve only got to see for yourself the Housing departments at most of the Southern councils to see the problems on a day to day basis...
suggest you visit Westminster council offices in Victoria...total chaos and madness...
..this is your money as well as mine...being spent in this country...and nothing to do with the amounts that are sent to the Bank of EU
..and dont get me started on the NHS..
HH ...
Posted 02 June 2016 - 02:06 PM
Is this a fking serious question? I cannot even believe this is being asked. Thats absolutely outstanding. Google credit crunch and banking collapse. Has your memory gone. Its unbelievable you would even ask this let alone the thought cross your mind.One simple question if the EU is so good and we are better off why are all public services and local authorities getting the budgets cut so much we no longer get basic services and the country is still in austerity ? Could it be down to our massive EU membership fees
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